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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
王渝琪,吴继红,廖小军,等. 畜禽类预制菜异味来源及其抑制掩蔽技术研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(15):369−379. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023080170.
引用本文: 王渝琪,吴继红,廖小军,等. 畜禽类预制菜异味来源及其抑制掩蔽技术研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(15):369−379. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023080170.
WANG Yuqi, WU Jihong, LIAO Xiaojun, et al. Research Progress on Premade Meat and Poultry Dishes Off-flavors and Their Inhibiting and Masking Technology[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(15): 369−379. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023080170.
Citation: WANG Yuqi, WU Jihong, LIAO Xiaojun, et al. Research Progress on Premade Meat and Poultry Dishes Off-flavors and Their Inhibiting and Masking Technology[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(15): 369−379. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023080170.


Research Progress on Premade Meat and Poultry Dishes Off-flavors and Their Inhibiting and Masking Technology

  • 摘要: 畜禽类预制菜是以畜禽肉为主要原料,经预加工后在室温或冷链条件下贮存、运输及销售的熟制或未完全熟制的成品或半成品菜肴。预制菜风味品质是影响消费者购买意愿的重要因素,畜禽类预制菜食用前可能因原料特性、微生物代谢、营养成分氧化降解、复热方式不当等产生异味,严重影响其感官品质,限制预制菜产业进一步发展。畜禽类预制菜常见的异味物质主要包括具有酸臭味的己醛;蜡味和油脂味的壬醛、癸醛、辛醛、(E,E)-2,4-癸二烯醛;油腻脂肪氧化味的(E)-2-癸烯醛;霉味的3-甲基丁醛和2-甲基丁醛;浓烈奶酪味的丁酸;汗臭味的3-甲基丁酸;硫磺味的二甲基硫醚、二甲基三硫醚;泥土味的1-辛烯-3-醇等。本文梳理了畜禽类预制菜主要的异味来源,总结了预制菜加工过程中涉及的主要异味抑制或掩蔽技术,为预制菜行业的风味品控创新和发展提供实践指导和参考。


    Abstract: Premade meat and poultry dishes refer to the finished or semi-finished products that use meat and poultry materials as the main ingredients, which undergo pretreatments and stored, transported and sold under room temperature or cold chain conditions. Flavor is an important factor that determines consumers' willing for premade dish purchase. However, due to raw material characteristics, microbial metabolism, nutrients oxidation or degradation, inappropriate reheating, the premade meat and poultry dishes might generate some unpleasant off-flavors. The off-flavors might have strong negative impact on the sensory quality of premade dishes, which restricts the further development of the whole industry. The commonly seen off-flavor substances in premade meat and poultry dishes include hexanal with sour note, nonanal, octanal, decanal and (E,E)-2,4-decadienal with waxy and oily note, (E)-2-decenal with greasy fatty note, 3-methylbutyraldehyde and 2-methylbutyraldehyde with musty note, butyric acid with a strong cheesy note, 3-methylbutyric acid with sweaty note, dimethyl trisulfide, dimethyl sulphide with sulphurous note, and 1-octen-3-ol with earthy note etc. This paper reviews the main sources of premade meat and poultry dishes off-flavors, summarizes the off-flavors inhibiting and masking techniques applied in premade dish preparation. This study would provide practical guidance and reference for the innovation and development of the flavor quality control in premade dish industry.


