Design and Practice of Innovative Entrepreneurship Elements in the Course "Comprehensive Utilization of Grain and Oil Processing By-products" under the Guidance of Provincial First-class Discipline
摘要: 建设一流专业,深化课程改革,将创新创业教育融入人才培养全过程,持续提升创新创业教育水平,是培养大学生科技人才的重要途径。基于省一流专业建设背景下,本文根据《粮油加工副产物综合利用》课程性质与特点,围绕教学目标,在创新创业教育理念指导下,探索开发与实施粮食工程专业大学生实践案例教学的方法。为改善课程授课形式单一、实践教学环节薄弱、教学评估维度单一等教学现实困境,通过产业案例启发教学、课堂展示、小组创新实验设计开发、科学家精神培育及延伸第二课堂科创竞赛教学等改进举措和多维评估持续机制,以构建基于“课堂-实验-实践”建设思路的“三位一体”创新创业教学协同育人平台,多维度激发学生创新创业能力。以期通过专业课程为载体,搭建平台育人体系,推动专业知识与学生创新创业能力的平衡发展,从而提高粮食工程创新创业人才培养水平。
- 粮油加工副产物综合利用 /
- 创新创业 /
- 粮食工程 /
- 课程改革
Abstract: Constructing the first-class undergraduate specialty, deepening curriculum reform, incorporating innovation and entrepreneurship education throughout the entire talent development process, and consistently enhancing the standard of innovation and entrepreneurship education are crucial approaches to fostering scientific and technological aptitude among college students. This study, according to the nature and characteristics of the course "Comprehensive Utilization of Grain and Oil Processing By-Products", focusing on the objectives of course teaching, under the guidance of the concept of innovation and entrepreneurship education, aims to explore the development and implementation of a practical case teaching method tailored to grain engineering students within the framework of the provincial first-class undergraduate specialty construction. By improving challenges such as lecture-based teaching, limited practical links, and one-dimensional assessment, a collaborative education platform of 'trinity' innovation and entrepreneurship teaching is proposed based on the construction idea of "classroom-experiment-practice". This platform emphasizes several improvement initiatives, such as incorporating industry case-inspired teaching, conducting classroom presentations, fostering the development of innovative experimental designs in small groups, cultivating the spirit of scientists, expanding the teaching of science and innovation competitions on the extracurricular activities, implementing multi-dimensional assessment methods, and establishing continuity mechanisms. Our goal is to establish a collaborative platform that nurtures innovation and entrepreneurship through the professional curriculum. Ultimately, this platform seeks to promote balanced development between professional knowledge and entrepreneurial skills, elevating the cultivation of innovative talents in grain engineering. -
1. 《粮油加工副产物综合利用》课程建设的现实困境
2. 《粮油加工副产物综合利用》课程改革实践
2.1 优化课程体系,产业案例式启发教学,挖掘创新创业元素
2.2 强化研究素养、培养科学精神,锻炼学生的创新思维和创新能力
2.3 以赛促学,以赛促教,培育创新创业实践平台,激发创新创业潜能
2.4 建立健全多维度课程考核评价体系,突破思维定式,多维联动、教考一体
3. 课程改革初步成效与应用
3.1 育人为本,学生为中心,充分调动课堂积极性,提升课程改革效能
3.2 注重创新能力培养,夯实学生的实践能力,提高科学素养
3.3 坚持成果导向,科研与教学融合,培育和建成实践平台,学生创新能力显著提升
4. 结论
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