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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
李学杰,邸太菊,李晴,等. 冷破、热破番茄酱的香气特征及其与非挥发性组分之间的关系[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(2):307−316. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022010072.
引用本文: 李学杰,邸太菊,李晴,等. 冷破、热破番茄酱的香气特征及其与非挥发性组分之间的关系[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(2):307−316. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022010072.
LI Xuejie, DI Taiju, LI Qing, et al. Aroma Characteristics of Cold/Hot Tomato Paste and Their Relationships with Non-volatile Components[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(2): 307−316. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022010072.
Citation: LI Xuejie, DI Taiju, LI Qing, et al. Aroma Characteristics of Cold/Hot Tomato Paste and Their Relationships with Non-volatile Components[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(2): 307−316. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022010072.


Aroma Characteristics of Cold/Hot Tomato Paste and Their Relationships with Non-volatile Components

  • 摘要: 番茄酱是一种重要的调味品,因其独特的口感和风味而广受消费者喜爱。本文以通过冷破(cold break,CB)、热破(hot break,HB)生产的8种番茄酱作为研究对象,采用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用(headspace solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,HS-SPME-GC-MS)技术对其挥发性风味化合物的组成及相对含量进行分析,计算香气活度值(odor activity value,OAV)确定特征风味化合物,结合主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)以及相关性分析确定番茄酱中的香气成分与还原糖、有机酸、抗坏血酸以及果胶含量之间的关系。结果表明:不同破碎方法的番茄酱中挥发性风味化合物的组成及相对含量存在明显差别,8个样品中共鉴定出61种挥发性风味化合物,以醛类、醇类和酮类为主,其中22种为OAV≥1的香气活性化合物;CB番茄酱中的挥发性风味化合物组成及相对含量要显著(P<0.05)高于HB番茄酱,并且CB处理有利于保持番茄酱中较高的还原糖、有机酸含量,但会导致果胶浓度下降;通过PCA可以将CB、HB番茄酱较好区分;Pearson相关性分析结果表明β-环柠檬醛、苯乙醛、芳樟醇、α-松油醇、大马士酮、2-戊基呋喃、2-异丁基噻唑这几种化合物与非挥发性成分之间表现出较强的相关性,因此推测它们之间可能存在相互作用。


    Abstract: Tomato paste is an important condiment, which is popular among consumers due to its unique taste and flavor. In this paper, headspace solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) technology was used to measure the composition and relative content of volatile flavor compounds in eight kinds of tomato paste produced by cold break (CB) and hot break (HB) methods. The odor activity value (OAV) was calculated to determine odor active compounds. The relationship between the odor active compounds and the contents of reducing sugars, organic acids, ascorbic acid and pectin were analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA) and correlation analysis. The results showed that there were significant (P<0.05) differences in the composition and relative contents of flavor compounds in CB and HB tomato pastes. A total of 61 volatile compounds were identified in 8 samples, including aldehydes, alcohols and ketones, and 22 compounds belonged to odor active compounds (OAV≥1). The composition and relative contents of volatile compounds in CB tomato paste were significantly higher than that in HB tomato paste. At the same time, CB treatment was beneficial to keep high reducing sugars and organic acids content in tomato paste but would lead to the decrease of pectin concentration. Notably, the CB and HB tomato pastes could be distinguished by PCA of odor active compounds. Pearson correlation analysis suggested that β-cyclocitral, phenylacetaldehyde, linalool, α-terpineol, damascenone, 2-pentylfuran, 2-isobutylthiazole showed strong correlation with non-volatile components, so it was speculated that there might be interactions between them.


