Migration analysis of photo- initiator EDB in UV ink through food flexible packaging
摘要: 为研究UV油墨光引发剂4-二甲氨基苯甲酸乙酯(EDB)在食品软包装中的迁移行为,制作了实际印刷、直接污染和蹭脏污染三种包装试样,分别以3%(w/v)乙酸、10%(v/v)乙醇和95%(v/v)乙醇作为酸性、酒精类和脂类食品模拟液,研究了EDB的迁移和残留行为。结果表明,光引发剂EDB在三种包装试样中都发生迁移。在三种食品模拟液中,EDB向95%乙醇中的迁移量最大,且初始迁移速率最快,说明EDB更容易向脂类模拟物迁移。温度越高,迁移量越大,达到平衡的时间越短。
- UV油墨 /
- 迁移 /
- 光引发剂4-二甲氨基苯甲酸乙酯 /
- 残留
Abstract: In this paper the migration behavior of Ethyl 4- dimethylaminobenzoate( EDB) which was a kind of photoinitiator commonly used in UV ink was studied in food plastic flexible packaging. Three kinds of packaging samples,the actual printing samples,contacting directly photo- initiator samples and contacting indirectly photoinitiator samples,were made in laboratory.3%( w / v) acetic acid,10%( v / v) ethanol and 95%( v / v) ethanol were respectively used as food stimulants.The results showed that the migration behavior of EDB could occur in all three packaging samples,the migration amount of EDB in 95% ethanol was the maximum,and the initial migration rate was the fastest.This indicated that EDB was easier to migrate into fat mimetic. Temperature was higher,migration quantity was larger,and balance time was shorter.-
- UV ink /
- migration /
- photo-initiator EDB /
- residue
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