Study on the model fitting of moisture desorption isotherm and absorption isotherm of rice starch
摘要: 根据吸附原理,在环境温度25℃下,水分活度0.11~0.90范围内,采用重量法对大米淀粉的吸附/解吸等温线进行测定。用7个非线性回归方程对吸附及解吸等温线进行描述,以决定系数(R2)、残差平方和(RSS)、平均相对误差(MRD)和均方根误差(RMSE)为评价指标,确定最佳拟合模型及其参数。结果表明,根据国际理论和应用化学联合会(IUPAC)的分类,大米淀粉的吸附和解吸等温线都属于第Ⅱ种类型,在实验水分活度范围内等温线存在一个明显的滞后现象,该滞后现象属于H3型。Henderson模型、Oswin模型、GAB模型均适合描述大米淀粉的吸湿等温线,其中GAB模型为最佳模型。GAB拟合解吸等温线的参数X0、C、K分别为0.0800、36.43、0.7646,拟合吸附等温线的参数分别为0.0743、26.87、0.7842。Abstract: Desorption and adsorption isotherms of rice starch powders were determined by gravimetric method and water activity ranging from 0.11 to 0.90 at 25℃ based on adsorption theory. Seven models were used to fit experimental data by linear regression analysis method to ascertain the best of fit. Comparisons were evaluated with the coefficient of determination (R2) , residual sum of squares (RSS) , mean relative percentage error (MRD) and root mean square error (RMSE) . Results indicated that desorption and adsorption isotherms were belong to type II behavior and the hysteresis loop was of type H3according to the classification of IUPAC. Henderson model, Oswin model and GAB model were suitable for fitting the moisture sorption isotherm of rice starch, but GAB model was the best fitted.The parameters X0, C and K of GAB fitting desorption isotherm of rice starch were 0.0800, 36.43 and 0.7646 respectively, and those for adsorption isotherm were 0.0743, 26.87 and 0.7842.