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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1


高欣缘, 李小兰, 李思卿, 李越, 秦楠, 郭丽丽

高欣缘,李小兰,李思卿,等. 黄芪茎叶增强免疫力的活性部位与化学成分研究[J]. 食品工业科技,2025,46(10):1−9. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024050117.
引用本文: 高欣缘,李小兰,李思卿,等. 黄芪茎叶增强免疫力的活性部位与化学成分研究[J]. 食品工业科技,2025,46(10):1−9. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024050117.
GAO Xinyuan, LI Xiaolan, LI Siqing, et al. Investigation of Active Fractions with Immune-enhancing Effects from the Stems and Leaves of Astragalus membranaceus and Its Chemical Components Identification[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(10): 1−9. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024050117.
Citation: GAO Xinyuan, LI Xiaolan, LI Siqing, et al. Investigation of Active Fractions with Immune-enhancing Effects from the Stems and Leaves of Astragalus membranaceus and Its Chemical Components Identification[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(10): 1−9. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024050117.


基金项目: 山西省自然科学研究面上项目(202303021221160);山西中医药大学科技创新能力培育计划“太行本草”专项项目(2022PY-TH-04);山西省科技创新人才团队专项资助(202304051001043);山西中医药大学校级科技创新团队(2022TD2008)。




  • 中图分类号: TS201.4

Investigation of Active Fractions with Immune-enhancing Effects from the Stems and Leaves of Astragalus membranaceus and Its Chemical Components Identification

  • 摘要: 目的:探讨黄芪茎叶增强免疫力的活性部位,并分析其化学成分。方法:采用环磷酰胺构建免疫低下小鼠模型,分别考察黄芪茎叶粗提物、石油醚部位、氯仿部位、乙酸乙酯部位、正丁醇部位和水部位对小鼠免疫力的影响,另设空白组、模型组和阳性组。连续给药28 d后,采用苏木素-伊红染色观察小鼠脾脏组织形态,并分析各组的免疫器官指数、免疫细胞能力及免疫因子水平,进而采用超高效液相色谱/离子淌度-四极杆飞行时间质谱对黄芪茎叶活性部位进行成分分析。结果:黄芪茎叶正丁醇部位表现出良好的增强免疫力活性,与模型组相比,该部位可显著提高小鼠的体重增长率、免疫器官指数、脾淋巴细胞增殖指数、巨噬细胞吞噬能力、迟发型变态反应程度和血清溶血素水平(P<0.05),并将小鼠血清中免疫球蛋白A、白细胞介素-6、干扰素-γ、肿瘤坏死因子-α水平分别显著提高了39.96%、15.87%、16.22%和47.68%(P<0.05)。经液相色谱-质谱联用分析鉴定,黄芪茎叶正丁醇部位的化学成分主要为黄酮类、皂苷类和酚酸类。结论:正丁醇部位是黄芪茎叶增强免疫力的活性部位,为后续深入研究黄芪茎叶的免疫调节作用奠定了基础。
    Abstract: Objective: Active fractions with immunomodulatory effects from the stems and leaves of Astragalus membranaceus (AMSL) were investigated and its chemical constituents were analyzed. Methods: The immunosuppression mice models were established by injection of cyclophosphamide, and the effects of several AMSL extracts on the immune response of mice were investigated, including crude extract, petroleum ether fraction, chloroform fraction, ethyl acetate fraction, n-butanol fraction and water fraction. Meanwhile, the control group, model group, and positive group were included. Hematoxylin-eosin staining was used to examine the spleen tissue morphology of mice after 28 d of continuous administration, and the immune organ indexes, immune cell capabilities, and levels of immune components in each group were analyzed. Furthermore, the components in the active fraction of AMSL were identified through ultra-performance liquid chromatography/ion mobility quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC/IM-QTOF-MS). Results: The n-butanol fraction from AMSL was proved to show significant immunomodulatory activity. In comparison to the model group, the growth rate of body weight, immune organ indexes, splenic lymphocyte proliferation index, macrophage phagocytic capacity, delayed allergic reaction severity, and serum hemolysin level in mice were significantly enhanced (P<0.05) in the group treated by this active fraction. Besides, the serum levels of immunoglobulin A, interleukin-6, interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α were also significantly increased by 39.96%, 15.87%, 16.22% and 47.68% respectively after the intervention of this fraction (P<0.05), which was revealed to be primarily composed of such substances as flavonoids, saponins, and phenolic acids elucidated by UPLC/IM-QTOF-MS. Conclusion: The active fraction with immunomodulatory effects from AMSL was the n-butanol fraction, which established a basis for further study on the immunoregulatory activity of AMSL.
  • 黄芪茎叶是豆科植物蒙古黄芪(Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao)或膜荚黄芪(Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge.)的地上嫩茎和叶部分,其产量是地下根部的数倍[1]。由于黄芪茎叶是植物黄芪的非传统药用部位,每年伴随地下入药黄芪根的采挖,产生的近30万吨黄芪茎叶往往被直接丢弃或仅小部分作为低值饲料利用[2]。如何促进黄芪茎叶的精深开发与高值化应用成为一个亟待研究的重要课题。现代研究表明,黄芪茎叶含有与入药根部类似的多糖类、黄酮类、皂苷类等活性成分,被报道具有抗氧化[3]、抑菌[4]、抗病毒[5]等功效。毒理学研究表明黄芪茎叶的LD50>250 g/kg BW[6],具有极高的食用安全性,现已成为黑龙江省的地方食品[7],这为黄芪茎叶在功能食品领域的精深利用提供了坚实的理论和政策依据。然而,现有关于黄芪茎叶的功能研究主要集中于功效的整体评估,其功效成分尚不明确,这严重制约了黄芪茎叶在功能食品中的开发应用。


    SPF级5~8周龄ICR雄性小鼠 体重(20±2)g,购于斯贝福(北京)生物技术有限公司(许可证号:SCXK(京)2019-0010)(生产批号:No.110324230102006521),动物实验伦理审批号:AWE202309380。黄芪茎叶 采自山西省浑源县,经山西中医药大学中药资源与鉴定教研室刘计权教授鉴定;环磷酰胺 上海麦克林生化科技有限公司;盐酸左旋咪唑、刀豆蛋白A(ConA) 北京索莱宝科技有限公司;5%绵羊红细胞 广州鸿泉科技有限公司;RPMI-1640培养基 北京中生奥邦生物科技有限公司;印度墨汁、CCK-8(CellcountingKit-8)试剂 大连美仑生物技术有限公司;都氏试剂 厦门海标科技有限公司;ELISA试剂盒 江苏晶美生物科技有限公司;红细胞裂解液 北京博奥拓达科技有限公司;4%多聚甲醛组织固定液 武汉博士德生物工程有限公司;乙腈 质谱纯,购于赛默飞世尔科技(中国)有限公司。

    AR223CN型电子分析天平 奥豪斯仪器有限公司;SB25-12D型超声波清洗机 宁波新芝生物科技股份有限公司;HC-2015高速离心机 安徽中科中佳科学仪器有限公司;Spectra Max 190酶标仪 北京生元诚业科技有限公司;BBS-V800SW-CJ型超净工作台 美国BIOBASE公司;Galaxy 170S CO2恒温细胞培养箱 德国Eppendorf公司;超高效液相色谱、VION离子淌度四极杆飞行时间质谱联用仪 上海沃特世科技有限公司。

    采用课题组前期建立的提取方法,称取黄芪茎叶粉末60 g,以料液比1:12加入65%乙醇,70 ℃超声提取40 min,合并提取2次的滤液旋蒸后浓缩至干得黄芪茎叶粗提物浸膏。取粗提物浸膏用20倍水复溶,依次用石油醚、氯仿、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇萃取三次,合并各萃取相并浓缩干燥,分别得石油醚部位、氯仿部位、乙酸乙酯部位、正丁醇部位和水部位。称取适量粗提物浸膏和各部位浸膏,用0.5% CMC-Na溶液稀释至一定浓度,备用。

    小鼠适应一周后随机分为正常组(NC组)、模型组(MC组)、阳性组(PC组)、粗提物组(TE组)、石油醚部位组(PEF组)、氯仿部位组(CF组)、乙酸乙酯部位组(EAF组)、正丁醇部位组(BF组)和水部位组(WF组),每组12只,实验周期28 d。实验第1~3 d,除正常组外,其余各组小鼠按80 mg/(kg BW)剂量腹腔注射环磷酰胺造模,连续观察小鼠精神状态并记录体重变化。实验第4~28 d进行药物干预,其中阳性对照组按40 mg/(kg BW)剂量灌胃盐酸左旋咪唑溶液,不同部位组分别按320.64 mg/kg(粗提物组)、5.73 mg/kg(石油醚部位组)、14.61 mg/kg(氯仿部位组)、19.38 mg/kg(乙酸乙酯部位组)、66.61 mg/kg(正丁醇部位组)、155.61 mg/kg(水部位组)剂量给予灌胃,使不同给药组均具有相同的黄芪茎叶当量给予量(9 g)。以石油醚部位给药量的确定为例,黄芪茎叶每日用量设为9 g(参考《中国药典》2020年版黄芪每日临床用量),因石油醚部位得率为0.42%,故石油醚部位组的给药量为5.73 mg/kg(9×9.1×0.42%/60 kg)。正常组和模型组每日灌胃等量0.5% CMC-Na溶液。




    实验第21 d,对各组小鼠腹腔注射0.2 mL 5%绵羊红细胞(SRBC)进行致敏,之后5 d测量各组小鼠左后足趾厚度(即致敏前足趾厚度),随后在测量部位给每组小鼠皮下注射20 μL 20% SRBC,24 h后再次测量左后足趾厚度(即致敏后足趾厚度),致敏前后的足趾厚度差值即为足趾增厚度,以此反映迟发型变态反应的程度。

    同1.2.3.2进行致敏,6 d后摘眼球取血,2500 r/min离心10 min后分离上层血清,取稀释200倍的血清样品1 mL于试管内,加入1 mL 10%豚鼠血清补体和0.5 mL 5% SRBC,37 ℃水浴30 min后冰浴终止反应,2500 r/min离心,15 min后取上清1 mL并加入3 mL都氏试剂即为样品管。以等体积生理盐水代替血清作为对照半数溶血管,测定540 nm处吸光度值并计算半数溶血值(HC50)。按下式(4)计算半数溶血值。


    实验第28 d,小鼠尾静脉注射20%印度墨汁0.1 mL/10 g,分别于注射后2 min和10 min,从眼眶内眦静脉取血20 μL,分别加入2.0 mL 0.1%碳酸钠溶液中摇匀,以0.1%碳酸钠溶液作空白对照,测定600 nm处吸光度值,按下式(5)、(6)计算廓清指数K和吞噬指数。


    式中:t1为注射后2 min;t2为注射后10 min;OD1为2 min所取血样的吸光度值;OD2为10 min所取血样的吸光度值。

    实验结束后,取无菌小鼠脾脏,于4层无菌纱布研磨后用无血清的RPMI-1640培养基冲洗,收集冲洗液并离心(1500 r/min,5 min),去除上清后加入1×红细胞裂解液反应10 min,再次离心去上清,加入PBS洗涤后获得脾细胞悬液[14]。将经细胞计数的脾细胞接种于96孔板(密度为5×105个),设试验孔(含5 μg/L ConA)与对照孔(不含ConA)在37 ℃、5% CO2条件下培养48 h,按照CCK-8试剂盒说明书检测每孔OD值,并按下式(7)计算脾淋巴细胞增殖指数[15]




    采用超高效液相色谱/离子淌度-四极杆飞行时间质谱对所筛选出的黄芪茎叶免疫活性部位进行成分分析。色谱条件为:UPLC BEH C18色谱柱(2.1 mm×100 mm,1.7 μm),流速0.4 mL/min,检测波长254 nm和350 nm,进样量1 μL,流动相由0.1%甲酸水(A)-乙腈(B)组成,梯度洗脱(0~3 min,95%~80% A;3~10 min,80%~0% A;10~12 min,0% A;12~15 min,0%~95% A;15~20 min,95% A)。质谱条件为:采用正负离子分别扫描,质量扫描范围50~2000 m/z,雾化气温度:450 ℃,流量:900 L/h,毛细管电压:2 KV。

    使用SPSS 20. 0对实验结果进行统计学分析,结果以¯x±s表示,P<0.05表示差异显著。采用Graph Prism 8.0软件绘图。


    图  1  黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对小鼠体重增长率(A)、胸腺指数(B)和脾脏指数(C)的影响
    Figure  1.  Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on body weight growth rate (A), thymus index (B) and spleen index (C) of mice



    图  2  黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对小鼠迟发型变态反应的影响
    Figure  2.  Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on delayed allergic reactions in mice


    图  3  黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对小鼠半数溶血值的影响
    Figure  3.  Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on the HC50 of mice


    图  4  黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对小鼠巨噬细胞廓清指数(A)、吞噬指数(B)的影响
    Figure  4.  Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on expurgatory index (A) and phagocytosis index (B) on macrophages of mice


    图  5  黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对脾淋巴细胞增殖指数的影响
    Figure  5.  Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on splenic lymphocyte proliferation index


    图  6  黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对IgA(A)、IgG(B)、IL-2(C)、IL-6(D)、IFN-γ(E)和TNF-α(F)的影响
    Figure  6.  Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on IgA (A), IgG (B), IL-2 (C), IL-6 (D), IFN-γ (E) and TNF-α (F)


    图  7  黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对小鼠脾脏组织形态的影响(HE,×200)
    Figure  7.  Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on spleen morphology in mice (HE,×200)



    图  8  黄芪茎叶正丁醇部位BPI离子流图
    Figure  8.  BPI ion flow diagram of n-butanol fraction of Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves
    表  1  黄芪茎叶正丁醇部位化学成分
    Table  1.  Chemical constituents of n-butanol fraction from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves
    峰号 成分名称 保留时间(min) 分子式 分子量 质量偏差(ppm) 离子形式
    1 Isovanillic acid 3.70 C8H8O4 167.03 −2.4 −H
    2 2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid 3.92 C7H6O4 153.02 −4.1 −H
    3 Vanillic acid 4.36 C8H8O4 151.04 −1.7 M-H2O+H
    4 Daidzin 4.45 C21H20O9 417.12 0.5 +H
    5 Taxifolin 3-O-rhamnoside 4.54 C21H22O11 449.11 −0.6 −H
    6 Leucoside 4.86 C26H28O15 625.14 −1.2 +HCOO
    7 Rutin 5.26 C27H30O16 609.15 −1.4 −H
    8 Isoquercitrin 5.83 C21H20O12 463.09 −0.7 −H
    9 Dihydromyricetin 5.88 C15H12O8 303.05 −1 M-H2O+H
    10 Hesperidin 5.99 C28H34O15 609.18 −0.8 −H
    11 Baicalin 6.20 C21H18O11 445.08 −1.6 −H
    12 Astragalin 6.55 C21H20O11 447.09 −1.4 −H
    13 Luteolin 6.61 C15H10O6 287.05 −0.9 +H
    14 Calycosin 6.91 C16H12O5 283.06 −2.1 −H
    15 Isorhamnetin 3,4'-diglucoside 7.01 C28H32O17 639.16 −1.6 −H
    16 Odoratin 7.04 C17H14O6 313.07 −1.4 −H
    17 Quercetin 3-O-β-D-(6''-p-coumaroyl)glucopyranosyl(1-2)-α-L-rhamnopyranoside 7.32 C36H36O18 801.19 −1.1 +HCOO
    18 Isorhamnetin 7.45 C16H12O7 315.05 −1.4 −H
    19 Quercetin 3-Caffeylrobinobioside 7.58 C36H36O19 771.18 −2 −H
    20 Dihydromyricetin 7.63 C15H12O8 303.05 −0.9 M-H2O+H
    21 Pratensein 7.74 C16H12O6 299.06 −1.7 −H
    22 Tricin 7-O-glucoside 8.64 C21H20O10 477.10 −1.6 +HCOO
    23 Isorhamnetin-3-O-β-D-glucoside 8.73 C16H12O7 317.07 −0.5 +H
    24 Pratensein-7-O-β-D-glucoside 9.56 C22H22O11 461.11 −2.2 −H
    25 Kaempferide 9.65 C16H12O6 301.07 −1.3 +H
    26 Glycitin 9.76 C22H22O10 491.12 −0.8 +HCOO
    27 Kaempferol-3-O-(6'''-trans-p-coumaroyl-2''-glucosyl)rhamnoside 9.88 C36H36O17 785.19 −1.6 +HCOO
    28 Rhamnocitrin 10.14 C16H12O6 301.07 −0.4 +H
    29 6''-O-Acetylglycitin 10.26 C24H24O11 533.13 −1.4 +HCOO
    30 Astragaloside III 10.85 C41H68O14 785.47 0.7 +H
    31 Cycloastragenol-6-O-β-D-glucoside 10.87 C36H60O10 697.42 −1.6 +HCOO
    32 Astragaloside II 11.46 C43H70O15 871.47 −0.9 +HCOO, −H
    33 Acetytastragaloside 11.82 C47H74O17 955.49 −1.2 +HCOO
    34 Astragaloside VIII 11.85 C47H76O17 911.50 −1.2 −H
    35 Cycloastragenol 11.87 C30H50O5 513.36 4.5 +Na
    36 Soyasaponino 11.88 C48H78O18 941.51 −1.2 −H,+HCOO
    37 Astragaloside Ⅰ 11.99 C45H72O16 891.47 −1.2 +Na,+H,
    38 Astragaloside IV 12.10 C41H68O14 767.46 −1.1 M-H2O+H
    39 Neoastragaloside I 12.41 C45H72O16 913.48 −0.5 +HCOO
    40 Isoastragaloside I 12.46 C45H72O16 869.49 −0.2 +H
    41 Isoastragaloside Ⅳ 12.57 C41H68O14 783.45 −1.2 −H
    42 Astragaloside 13.00 C41H68O14 785.47 −0.1 +H
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  • 图  1   黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对小鼠体重增长率(A)、胸腺指数(B)和脾脏指数(C)的影响


    Figure  1.   Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on body weight growth rate (A), thymus index (B) and spleen index (C) of mice

    图  2   黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对小鼠迟发型变态反应的影响

    Figure  2.   Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on delayed allergic reactions in mice

    图  3   黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对小鼠半数溶血值的影响

    Figure  3.   Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on the HC50 of mice

    图  4   黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对小鼠巨噬细胞廓清指数(A)、吞噬指数(B)的影响

    Figure  4.   Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on expurgatory index (A) and phagocytosis index (B) on macrophages of mice

    图  5   黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对脾淋巴细胞增殖指数的影响

    Figure  5.   Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on splenic lymphocyte proliferation index

    图  6   黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对IgA(A)、IgG(B)、IL-2(C)、IL-6(D)、IFN-γ(E)和TNF-α(F)的影响

    Figure  6.   Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on IgA (A), IgG (B), IL-2 (C), IL-6 (D), IFN-γ (E) and TNF-α (F)

    图  7   黄芪茎叶粗提物及不同萃取部位对小鼠脾脏组织形态的影响(HE,×200)


    Figure  7.   Effects of the crude extract and different extraction fractions from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves on spleen morphology in mice (HE,×200)

    图  8   黄芪茎叶正丁醇部位BPI离子流图

    Figure  8.   BPI ion flow diagram of n-butanol fraction of Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves

    表  1   黄芪茎叶正丁醇部位化学成分

    Table  1   Chemical constituents of n-butanol fraction from Astragalus membranaceus stems and leaves

    峰号 成分名称 保留时间(min) 分子式 分子量 质量偏差(ppm) 离子形式
    1 Isovanillic acid 3.70 C8H8O4 167.03 −2.4 −H
    2 2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid 3.92 C7H6O4 153.02 −4.1 −H
    3 Vanillic acid 4.36 C8H8O4 151.04 −1.7 M-H2O+H
    4 Daidzin 4.45 C21H20O9 417.12 0.5 +H
    5 Taxifolin 3-O-rhamnoside 4.54 C21H22O11 449.11 −0.6 −H
    6 Leucoside 4.86 C26H28O15 625.14 −1.2 +HCOO
    7 Rutin 5.26 C27H30O16 609.15 −1.4 −H
    8 Isoquercitrin 5.83 C21H20O12 463.09 −0.7 −H
    9 Dihydromyricetin 5.88 C15H12O8 303.05 −1 M-H2O+H
    10 Hesperidin 5.99 C28H34O15 609.18 −0.8 −H
    11 Baicalin 6.20 C21H18O11 445.08 −1.6 −H
    12 Astragalin 6.55 C21H20O11 447.09 −1.4 −H
    13 Luteolin 6.61 C15H10O6 287.05 −0.9 +H
    14 Calycosin 6.91 C16H12O5 283.06 −2.1 −H
    15 Isorhamnetin 3,4'-diglucoside 7.01 C28H32O17 639.16 −1.6 −H
    16 Odoratin 7.04 C17H14O6 313.07 −1.4 −H
    17 Quercetin 3-O-β-D-(6''-p-coumaroyl)glucopyranosyl(1-2)-α-L-rhamnopyranoside 7.32 C36H36O18 801.19 −1.1 +HCOO
    18 Isorhamnetin 7.45 C16H12O7 315.05 −1.4 −H
    19 Quercetin 3-Caffeylrobinobioside 7.58 C36H36O19 771.18 −2 −H
    20 Dihydromyricetin 7.63 C15H12O8 303.05 −0.9 M-H2O+H
    21 Pratensein 7.74 C16H12O6 299.06 −1.7 −H
    22 Tricin 7-O-glucoside 8.64 C21H20O10 477.10 −1.6 +HCOO
    23 Isorhamnetin-3-O-β-D-glucoside 8.73 C16H12O7 317.07 −0.5 +H
    24 Pratensein-7-O-β-D-glucoside 9.56 C22H22O11 461.11 −2.2 −H
    25 Kaempferide 9.65 C16H12O6 301.07 −1.3 +H
    26 Glycitin 9.76 C22H22O10 491.12 −0.8 +HCOO
    27 Kaempferol-3-O-(6'''-trans-p-coumaroyl-2''-glucosyl)rhamnoside 9.88 C36H36O17 785.19 −1.6 +HCOO
    28 Rhamnocitrin 10.14 C16H12O6 301.07 −0.4 +H
    29 6''-O-Acetylglycitin 10.26 C24H24O11 533.13 −1.4 +HCOO
    30 Astragaloside III 10.85 C41H68O14 785.47 0.7 +H
    31 Cycloastragenol-6-O-β-D-glucoside 10.87 C36H60O10 697.42 −1.6 +HCOO
    32 Astragaloside II 11.46 C43H70O15 871.47 −0.9 +HCOO, −H
    33 Acetytastragaloside 11.82 C47H74O17 955.49 −1.2 +HCOO
    34 Astragaloside VIII 11.85 C47H76O17 911.50 −1.2 −H
    35 Cycloastragenol 11.87 C30H50O5 513.36 4.5 +Na
    36 Soyasaponino 11.88 C48H78O18 941.51 −1.2 −H,+HCOO
    37 Astragaloside Ⅰ 11.99 C45H72O16 891.47 −1.2 +Na,+H,
    38 Astragaloside IV 12.10 C41H68O14 767.46 −1.1 M-H2O+H
    39 Neoastragaloside I 12.41 C45H72O16 913.48 −0.5 +HCOO
    40 Isoastragaloside I 12.46 C45H72O16 869.49 −0.2 +H
    41 Isoastragaloside Ⅳ 12.57 C41H68O14 783.45 −1.2 −H
    42 Astragaloside 13.00 C41H68O14 785.47 −0.1 +H
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