The present project objective was to evaluate physicochemical and nutritional changes of mango cv. Tainung No.1 that included firmness, color, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), carotenoid, vitamin C (V
C), protein, total sugar and aroma component at 10 postharvest ripening-stages under the ripeing condition (0.1% w/w ethephon, 30 °C, 40%~50% humidity). Results indicated a decrease in firmness from 19.76 to 0.99 N, while TA decreased from 1.37% to 0.27% and TSS increased from 12.92% to 23.64%. When the ripening time increased from 0 to 60 h, the yellow index increased significantly, and more than 85% of fruit skins turned yellow. The content of carotenoid increased to 4.90 µg/g (maximum), while V
C decreased from 326.66 mg/100 g to 180.00 mg/100 g, and total sugar content increased significantly. When ripening time extended to 108 h, the content carotenoid increased to 10.93 µg/g, and the changes of the V
C, soluble protein and total sugar were not significant. The aroma compounds of mango was mainly terpenes, among which the content of terpinolene was the highest, and its content increased rapidly within 60 h of ripening. Exogenous ethephon accelerated the synthesis rate of iso-terpinene in fruits. After 60 h of ripening, the color and aroma of mango reached maturity.