Progress on the fever and moldy of paddy during storage
摘要: 受外界高温高湿环境条件、含水量等因素的影响,稻谷在储藏过程中易发生发热霉变的现象,严重影响稻谷品质及经济效益。本文详细综述了稻谷发热原因、发热类型以及稻谷霉变成因、霉变过程品质变化、霉变防控,为稻谷的安全储藏提供了依据。Abstract: Due to high temperature and high humidity environmental conditions and relative high moisture content, paddy was prone to fever and mildew in storage, which can cause quality deterioration of paddy and economic losses. In this paper, the reasons of rice fever, fever types, the reasons of mildew, quality changes, mildew control methods were reviewed, which supplied the foundation for safe storage of paddy.
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