Research advances in toxic effect of cadmium on aquatic animals
摘要: 重金属镉是目前水环境中长期存在的污染物,因其具有致癌、致畸和致突变等特性而被广泛关注。本文综述了镉的来源和污染现状,并分别从生理生化酶水平、分子水平、细胞组织水平阐述了镉在水生动物体内的蓄积过程、代谢规律及毒性作用。本文同时简述了镉暴露引起的水生生物氧化应激反应、脂质过氧化反应和组织病理学损伤等情况。通过分析、总结前人的研究成果,以利于今后对镉的毒性机理进行深入的研究,进而更好的控制重金属镉对水环境的污染,保护水生生物和水生生态环境,为人类提供安全的水产品提供理论依据。Abstract: Cadmium is a heavy metal which widely and long- term exist in the aquatic environment. Cadmium have attracted considerable attention in recent years because of it's mutagenicity,teratogenicity and carcinogenicity. In this paper,the sources and pollution status of cadmium were summarized. The accumulation process,metabolism process and toxic effect of cadmium in the bodies of aquatic animals were also summarized at the levels of physiology,enzyme biochemistry and molecular biology,respectively.This paper also briefly described the oxidative stress,lipid peroxidation,histopathological damages of organisms of aquatic animals after exposing to cadmium.The purposes of this paper were to provide a brief summary on the research advances in toxic effect of cadmium on aquatic animals,to give a useful reference for further study on this field,and to provide theoretical basis for controlling the cadmium pollution and supplying human people with safer aquatic products.
- cadmium /
- aquatic animals /
- toxicity
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