Research progress of brown rot control technology of postharvest fruits
摘要: 褐腐病是采后核果果实最重要的侵染性病害之一,会严重危害贮藏期的果实,造成大量损失。低温贮藏、气调贮藏、热处理、辐射处理、微波处理等物理防治技术对采后果实褐腐病的防治有一定的效果。化学杀菌剂能够高效控制采后果实褐腐病,但其有污染环境、易产生耐药性的缺陷,天然杀菌剂的应用、生物防治尤其是拮抗菌防治技术弥补了化学杀菌剂在控制采后褐腐病方面的不足,采前技术如喷钙、使用拮抗菌也能有效控制采后果实褐腐病。采前采后技术综合防治果实褐腐病将是未来的发展方向。本文从物理、化学、生物防治技术及几种技术复合等角度综述了各防治技术对采后果实褐腐病的控制作用,为综合防治褐腐病、减少商业损失提供了一定的科学依据。Abstract: Brown rot is one of the most significant infectious diseases for postharvest stone fruits, which would do severe harm to fruits during storage and lead to great losses. In regard to the brown rot control technology of postharvest fruits, physical control technology including low temperature storage, atmosphere storage, heat-treatment, microwave-treatment and so on, has a certain effect. Although chemical fungicides can control brown rot effectively, it have some weakness such as leading to pollution of environment and emerging resistance, which could be made up by natural fungicides and biological control technology especially antagonistic bacteria control technique. In addition, preharvest technology such as the use of calcium and antagonistic bacteria can also control brown rot effectively. The combination of preharvest and postharvest technology for controlling brown rot will be the future direction of development. The article reviewed the brown rot control technology of postharvest fruits from physical, chemical and biological aspects, which would provided a scientific basis for integrated control of brown rot and reduced commercial losses.
- postharvest /
- fruit /
- brown rot /
- control technology
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