Effect of blueberry juice ingredients on anthocyanins stability under different matrix and processing condition
摘要: 以蓝莓果汁和纯化的蓝莓花色苷为原料,通过比较不同基质中花色苷对p H、温度、光照、金属离子以及部分添加剂的稳定性,研究蓝莓果汁成分对花色苷稳定性的作用。结果表明:花色苷在p H≤3时比较稳定;对光和高温比较敏感。蔗糖、苯甲酸钠及Na+、K+、Ca2+、Cu2+、Fe2+对花色苷的稳定性无显著影响;VC可以增加果汁中花色苷的稳定性,而对纯化后的花色苷稳定性具有破坏作用。在上述基质及加工条件下,蓝莓果汁成分在3≤p H≤6、避光、温度≤100℃等贮存条件以及添加苯甲酸钠、蔗糖、Na+、K+、Ca2+、Cu2+、Fe2+、Fe3+等条件下对花色苷的稳定性无显著影响;在光照以及添加VC、低浓度Mg2+(0.010.05mol/L)等条件下对花色苷的稳定性有增强作用;在p H≤2以及添加高浓度Mg2+(0.1mol/L)等条件下对花色苷的稳定性有破坏作用。Abstract: The blueberry juice and purified blueberry anthocyanins as the raw material by comparing the stability of anthocyanins in different substrates on p H, temperature, light, metal ions and some of the additives, the effect of blueberry juice ingredients on the stability of anthocyanins was studied. The results showed that anthocyanins were stable at p H3 or less, and were sensitive to light and high temperature. Sucrose and sodium benzoate and Na+, K+, Ca2 +, Cu2 +, Fe2 +had no significant effect on the stability of anthocyanins. VCcould increase the stability of anthocyanins in blueberry juice, while it could be weaken the stability of the purified anthocyanins.Under the above matrix and processing conditions, blueberry juice ingredients had no significant effect on the stability of anthocyanins under the conditions which were 3 ≤p H≤6, dark, temperature≤100℃, the addition of sucrose, sodium benzoate, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cu2+, Fe2+and Fe3+. But it could increase the stability of anthocyanins under the conditions which were light, in adding VCand low concentrations of Mg2 + (0.01 0.05mol/L) . And it could be weaken the stability of the anthocyanins under the conditions such as p H ≤2, the addition of high concentration Mg2+ (0.1mol/L) .
- blueberry /
- juice ingredients /
- anthocyanins /
- stability
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