Thermal desorption coupled to GC-MS for analyzing aroma components in fresh corn
摘要: 采用热脱附-气相色谱/质谱联用技术(TD-GC/MS)首次分析了鲜食玉米的香气成分组成,并对普甜和紫糯两种鲜食玉米香气成分进行了比较。在最优实验参数:吸附温度30℃,吸附时间2h,冷阱温度-30℃下,普甜玉米和紫糯玉米共鉴定出香气成分38种,其中普甜玉米34种,紫糯玉米30种;普甜、紫糯玉米共有成分26种,相对含量之和分别为80.223%、90.783%;普甜玉米特有成分8种,相对含量之和为16.042%,紫糯玉米特有成分4种,相对含量之和为7.998%。该法分析鲜食玉米挥发性成分操作简单,浓缩富集效率高,重现性好,绿色环保,真实全面地反映了紫糯玉米和普甜玉米香气成分的构成。Abstract: Thermal desorption (TD) combing with gas chromatographic and mass spectrum (GC/MS) was applied to analyze aroma components of fresh corns. It had optimized of thermal desorption parameters and compared aroma components of ordinary sweet corn and purple waxy corn. The results showed that thermal desorption's optimal parameters for analyzing aroma components of corn were 30℃ adsorption temperature, 2h adsorption time and-30℃ cold trap temperature. 38 kinds of aroma components in corn had been detected in two tested samples of ordinary sweet corn and purple waxy corn, 34 kinds of them were detected in ordinary sweet corn and 30 kinds in purple waxy corn. The relative contents of the common components in the two corns reached 80.223% and 90.783% respectively. Ordinary sweet corn had 8 species of endemic components and the relative content of 16.042%, purple waxy corn had 4 species of endemic components and the relative content of 7.998%. This method of analyzing fresh corn aroma components was simple, good repeatability, and the aroma components which measured the real aroma components of ordinary sweet corn and purple waxy corn.