Research of the purification process of flavonoids in Oenanthe javanica by macroporous resins
摘要: 通过比较六种大孔吸附树脂对水芹粗黄酮提取物静态吸附性能,筛选出大孔吸附树脂AB-8,并考察了动态吸附条件中的上样流速、洗脱溶剂浓度和体积及洗脱速率。结果表明,AB-8大孔吸附树脂对水芹黄酮的静态吸附率为71.37%,解吸率为76.57%,动态吸附优化条件为:上样流速为1mL/min,采用4BV 80%乙醇以1.5mL/min流速洗脱,黄酮含量为42.60mg的水芹粗提物纯度由7.1%提高到53.78%,树脂富集倍数7.6。通过HPLC初步分析,纯化前后黄酮种类基本不变,主要为芦丁、槲皮素-3-O-葡萄糖苷、槲皮素、山奈酚这四种成分,以HPLC测定的总黄酮含量为指标计算纯化前后水芹粗提物纯度分别为6.44%和55.65%,树脂富集倍数为8.65。Abstract: By comparing static adsorption properties of flavonoids from the Oenanthe javanica extraction on six types of macroporous adsording resin, AB-8 had a higher adsorption capacity. The dynamic adsorption separating condition including loaded rate, ethanol concentration and amount of wash solvent, desorption velocity were studied. Results indicated that static adsorption rate for flavonoid from the Oenanthe javanica was71.37%, desorption rate was 76.57%. The optimized condition was loading rate 1mL/min, desorption rate 1.5mL/min, 4BV 80% ethanol as eluent.Under this condition the purity of the Oenanthe javanica extracts with 42.60mg flavone content was improved from 7.1% to 53.78% and the enrichment amount of AB-8 macroporous adsording resin was 7.6 multiple. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis results showed that the flavonoids of Oenanthe javanica extracts before and after purified both included rutin, quercetin, quercetin-3-O-glucoside, kaempferol. Results of HPLC analysis indicated that the purity of Oenanthe javanica flavonoids was improved from 6.44% to 55.65% and the enrichment amount of AB-8 macroporous adsording resin was8.65 multiple.