Research of the sobering up function of fruit juice mixed of tomato pomelo and pear
摘要: 果蔬中含有的多元酚成分,加上多种有机酸、维生素以及营养物质,使乙醇脱氢酶、乙醛脱氢酶活性大大提高,加速酒精的代谢,分解酒精在人体内产生的有害物质乙醛,加速其转化为乙酸、二氧化碳和水,最终排出体外。从而减轻或消除乙醛对人体的伤害,缓解酒后头晕、恶心、呕吐等不良反应。本文采用单因素实验、正交实验研究番茄汁、柚子汁与梨汁混合果汁对动物、人体醒酒效果,发现以2mL/kg的量服用实验用酒,30min后服用100mL的混合果汁,其中番茄汁含量25%,柚子汁含量20%,梨汁含量25%时,混合果汁具有最优醒酒作用。Abstract: The garden stuff have polyphenol, various of organic acid, vitamin, and nutrients.All these made alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase more active, and hasten the metabolism of alcohol.These also decomposed acetaldehyde which was produced by alcohol, and promoted it to translate into carbon dioxide and water that would be excreted from the body. Consequently it reduces or eliminates the injury caused by acetaldehyde, and relieved some untoward reaction such as dizziness, nausea, vomit and so on.With the study of the effect of drinking the mixed fruit juice including tomato pomelo and pear on sobering intoxicated person up, according to single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment that drinking mixed fruit juice ( 100mL) after drinking test alcohol ( 2mL /kg) half an hour later.It was found that the most effective combination was 25% tomato juice, 20% pomelo juice and 25% pear juice.