Effect of combined heat and ultra-high pressure treatment on quality of black pork
摘要: 研究了不同压力(0.1~600MPa)和温度(20~60℃)对黑猪肉品质的影响。研究结果表明:不同的压力和温度处理对肉的品质影响显著。室温下对猪肉进行不同压力处理,随着的压力的升高,肉的色泽逐渐变得跟蒸煮肉的色泽相似,L*值升高,a*值降低,肉的硬度和咀嚼性逐渐升高,但硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)值也随着压力的升高而增加;40℃下的压力处理,肉的硬度,咀嚼性及L*值的变化与室温的变化是相似的;60℃下高压处理,硬度和咀嚼性在200MPa下出现下降,L*值和a*值变化不大。相似,TBA值随着温度和压力的升高而增加。Abstract: The effects of different pressure ( 0.1~600MPa) and temperature ( 20 ~60℃) on the quality of black pork were studied.The results showed that different pressure and temperature had significant effects on the quality of pork.Commercially supplied black pork was subjected to different pressure treatments at room temperature, with pressure intensity, the color of meat changed gradually and were similar with cooking meat.L * value increased, a * value reduced, the hardness, and chewiness gradually increased, but TBA values increased.At 40℃, the hardness, chewiness and L * value were similar with room temperature; when pressure treated at 60℃, the hardness and chewiness decreased at 200MPa, L * and a * value had not changed significantly.