Optimization of methanol feeding for rhamnosidase expression in Pichia Pastoris fermentation system
摘要: 利用毕赤酵母发酵生成鼠李糖苷酶。依据已有毕赤酵母发酵动力学模型,设定最优化问题。根据泛函极值存在必要条件,将最优化求解问题转换为微分代数方程求解问题。利用迭代循环确定最优乘子并求解最优甲醇流加轨迹。实验证明,由此种方法获得的甲醇流加速率曲线,可以使毕赤酵母表达的鼠李糖苷酶产量有所提高。Abstract: Pichia Pastoris was used as the strain for rhamnosidase fermentation.A structured kinetic model was used to establish an optimization problem.According to the extremum theory of functional, the optimization problem has been converted to solving differential-algebraic equation (DAE) problem.Set the multipliers by iteration loops to solve the DAEs and obtain an optimal methanol feeding curve.Practice has proved that this method improved the yield of rhamnosidase expression in Pichia Pastoris fermentation system.