Optimization of vinasse conditions for hairtail by response surface methodology
摘要: 采用响应面分析法对糟醉带鱼的糟醉工艺进行优化。在单因素实验基础上,根据中心组合实验设计原理,采用三因素三水平的响应面分析法,以糟醉带鱼的感官评分为响应值进行回归分析。结果表明,糟醉带鱼糟醉的适宜工艺条件为加盐量4.7%,加酒量7.1%,糟鱼比1:2.2,在此条件下制得的糟醉带鱼感官评分最优,达到84.5分,与模型预测值基本相符。Abstract: The vinasse technique of hairtail was optimized by response surface methodology.On the basis of single-factor tests, the mathematical regression model was established about the dependent variable (Sensory article points of vinasse hairtail) through Box-Benhnken center composite design and response surface analysis.The results indicated that the proportion of vinasse significantly affected the quality evaluation.When the salt, the liquor, the proportion of vinasse with fish were 4.7%, 7.1% and 1:2.2, vinasse hairtail was the best with the sensory evaluation of 84.5, which was in line with porecast.