摘要: 运用酶法液化压榨法、浸提法制取蓝浆果原汁 ,用浸提汁制取浓缩汁 ,从营养物质和色素获得率方面看 ,浸提汁效果最好 ,浓缩汁最差。从制汁难易方面看 ,压榨汁简单些。从包装、运输和贮藏方面看 ,浓缩汁最佳。用压榨法生产果汁饮料 ,采用本试验生产工艺 ,营养和色泽几乎没有损失。Abstract: Comparing three techniques,the extraction of the paimitive juice of blueberry is the best,the concentration of the extracted juice,whose juice is the best in package,transport and store,is the worst in the nutrition and pigments.The squeeze after enzyme reaction is easiest.There almost no loss in nutrition and pigment of blueberry beverage made by the squeezed juice.