The characteristics and changes on flavors (odor and taste) of Fuliji red-cooked chicken throughout the different processing stages were investigated in this article. Raw chicken, fried chicken, boiled chicken and sterilized chicken were analyzed through this research. According to the results, aldehydes and ketones were identified as the primary volatile compounds in each processing stage based on the GC-MS and OAV (order activity value) calculations, and some of the volatile aromatic flavors were identified as the characteristic flavor compounds in the boiled chicken, such as linalool and estragole. Meanwhile the variety and content of the volatile flavors were declined after sterilization. The E-nose could accurately distinguish the samples in different processing stages. In the measurement of two taste substances, the content of free amino acids and flavor nucleotides reduced significantly (
P<0.05) during the frying and sterilizing. The TAV (taste active value) calculation indicated that the main taste compound of Fuliji red-cooked chicken was the umami taste IMP (inosine). The changes of taste profiles on the Fuliji red-cooked chicken could interpret that the bitter and salty tastes changed obviously via electronic tongue. According to the correlation analysis, brine not only gave volatile aroma, but also enhanced the bitterness and saltiness of chicken. The umami of the chicken throughout the processing always kept in high level, but there was no obvious changing. This research suggested that the positive effects on flavor of the Fuliji red-cooked chicken could be found through boiling stage and simultaneously the sterilization stage had the negative impacts.