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雷月,宫彦龙,邓茹月,等. 基于蒸谷米制备前后品质性状及糊化特性的评价分析[J]. 食品工业科技,2021,42(11):1−8. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020070021.
引用本文: 雷月,宫彦龙,邓茹月,等. 基于蒸谷米制备前后品质性状及糊化特性的评价分析[J]. 食品工业科技,2021,42(11):1−8. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020070021.
LEI Yue, GONG Yanlong, DENG Ruyue, et al. Evaluation and Analysis of Parboiled Rice before and after Preparation Based on Quality Characteristics and Gelatinization Properties[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2021, 42(11): 1−8. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020070021.
Citation: LEI Yue, GONG Yanlong, DENG Ruyue, et al. Evaluation and Analysis of Parboiled Rice before and after Preparation Based on Quality Characteristics and Gelatinization Properties[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2021, 42(11): 1−8. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020070021.


Evaluation and Analysis of Parboiled Rice before and after Preparation Based on Quality Characteristics and Gelatinization Properties

  • 摘要: 本试验选取12个不同品种的稻谷在相同工艺条件下制备蒸谷米,比较分析蒸谷米制备前后其品质性状及糊化特性的变化趋势。结果表明:‘玉针香’、‘天丰B’、‘SN16-236’、‘贵丰优785’、‘两优68’和‘徽两优1898’蒸谷米的碾磨品质相对均优于制备前,而‘SN16-236’、‘两优68’和‘徽两优1898’蒸谷米的黄粒米显著高于稻米原料(P < 0.05),严重影响蒸谷米的外观品质。营养品质和糊化特性分析结果发现,受试稻谷经加工处理制成蒸谷米后有助于稻米营养物质和米糊热稳定性的的提高。此外,由食味品质分析结果可知‘玉针香’、‘红香米’、‘津原香98’、‘SN16-236’、‘15L-Z156’和‘贵丰优785’蒸谷米的外观和食味值均高于制备前。同时,还发现‘大粒香’和‘粤丰B’蒸谷米的品质特性较其他受试品种相对较差。综合上述结果可得,‘玉针香’和‘贵丰优785’稻谷经蒸谷处理制备成蒸谷米后品质较优,适合作为蒸谷米专用稻品种,而‘大粒香’和‘粤丰B’的品质相对较差,不适合用于蒸谷米的生产。该研究可为蒸谷米品质评价及稻米制品的研发应用奠定理论基础。


    Abstract: In this study, 12 rice varieties were selected to prepare the parboiled rice under the same process conditions. The change trend of quality characteristics and gelatinization properties of parboiled rice before and after preparation were comprehensively evaluated and analyzed. The results showed that the milling quality in the parboiled rice of ‘Yuzhenxiang’, ‘Tianfeng B’, ‘SN16-236’, ‘Guifengyou 785’, ‘Liangyou68’, ‘Huiliangyou 1898’ were better than that before preparation. Because of the yellow grain of parboiled rice of ‘SN16-236’, ‘Liangyou68’, ‘Huiliangyou 1898’ were relatively higher than the raw rice (P < 0.05), which seriously affected the appearance quality of parboiled rice. It was also found that parboiled rice could improve the nutrition and the thermal stability of rice paste. In addition, the results of taste quality analysis showed that the appearance and taste values of parboiled rice of ‘Yuzhenxiang’, ‘Hongxiang Rice’, ‘Jinyuanxiang 98’, ‘SN16-236’, ‘15L-Z156’, ‘Guifengyou 785’ were all higher than those before preparation. Based on the above results, the quality in the parboiled rice of ‘Yuzhenxiang’, ‘Guifengyou 785’ were better and suitable for use as special rice varieties of parboiled rice, but the quality of ‘Dalixiang’ and ‘Yuefeng B’ were relatively poor and were not suitable for the production of parboiled rice. This study would provide the theoretical basis for the quality evaluation of parboiled rice and the development and application of rice products.


