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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
钟佳慧, 陈蓓蕾, 王倩, 苏春霞, 杨楠. 基于天然大豆油脂体-海藻酸钠的沙拉汁工艺研究[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(11): 7-14,20. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020.11.002
引用本文: 钟佳慧, 陈蓓蕾, 王倩, 苏春霞, 杨楠. 基于天然大豆油脂体-海藻酸钠的沙拉汁工艺研究[J]. 食品工业科技, 2020, 41(11): 7-14,20. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020.11.002
ZHONG Jia-hui, CHEN Bei-lei, WANG Qian, SU Chun-xia, YANG Nan. Study on the Salad Dressing Based on Natural Oil Body-Sodium Alginate[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2020, 41(11): 7-14,20. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020.11.002
Citation: ZHONG Jia-hui, CHEN Bei-lei, WANG Qian, SU Chun-xia, YANG Nan. Study on the Salad Dressing Based on Natural Oil Body-Sodium Alginate[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2020, 41(11): 7-14,20. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020.11.002


Study on the Salad Dressing Based on Natural Oil Body-Sodium Alginate

  • 摘要: 以天然大豆油脂体替代传统沙拉汁中的油脂,并利用多糖海藻酸钠(ALG)作为稳定剂制备新型沙拉汁。结果表明,通过带负电ALG与带正电油脂体的静电相互作用,提高了天然大豆油脂体在弱酸性条件下的分散性和稳定性,0.35%的ALG可在pH4.5下很好地稳定1.0%油脂体乳液。通过体外模拟小肠内油脂消化过程,发现天然大豆油脂体乳液比吐温80-大豆油乳液的游离脂肪酸释放量低10%左右,且ALG进一步延缓了大豆油脂体初期消化速度。高浓度的ALG(0.5%、0.6%、0.8%、1.0%)可分别提高高浓度油脂体乳液(10.0%、20.0%、30.0%、40.0%)的稳定性。以市售沙拉汁为对照,优化了沙拉汁配方中大豆油脂体与ALG的用量,将质量分数为60.0%的大豆油脂体-ALG的乳液(含40.0%油脂体和1.0% ALG)用于沙拉汁配方中,得到粘度与市售配方匹配,稳定性更佳的沙拉汁。新型沙拉汁配方综合了大豆油脂体和海藻酸钠的双重优点,具有含油量低、脂肪消化慢、营养素天然健康,且储存稳定的特点。


    Abstract: A new formula of salad dressing using natural soybean oil bodies as replacement of traditional oil and polysaccharide sodium alginate(ALG)as a stabilizer was proposed. Results showed that,the electrostatic interaction between the negatively charged ALG and the positively charged oil bodies improved the dispersibility and stability of the oil bodies. It was found that 0.35% ALG could stabilize 1.0% oil body emulsion well under pH4.5.The in-vitro intestinal digestion measurement found that the free fatty acid release of natural oil body emulsion was lower than that of Tween 80-soybean oil emulsion by about 10%,and ALG further slowed down the initial digestibility speed of the oil bodies. High concentration of ALG(0.5%,0.6%,0.8%,1.0%)could improve the stability of high concentration of oil body emulsion(10.0%,20.0%,30.0%,40.0%),respectively. Taking the market salad dressing as the control,the amount of oil bodies and ALG in salad dressing formula was optimized. The oil body-ALG emulsion containing 60.0%(containing 40.0% oil body and 1.0%ALG)was used in salad dressing formula,and the salad dressing with better viscosity and better stability was obtained. The new salad dressing formula combined health benefits of both soybean oil bodies and sodium alginate,such as low oil content,natural nutrient-rich,slow fat digestion,and could maintain stability during long-term storage.


