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胡申才, 楚乐乐, 周敏. 假单胞菌噬菌体PrH181对大黄鱼块防腐效果的研究[J]. 食品工业科技, 2021, 42(6): 288-291,324. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019110135
引用本文: 胡申才, 楚乐乐, 周敏. 假单胞菌噬菌体PrH181对大黄鱼块防腐效果的研究[J]. 食品工业科技, 2021, 42(6): 288-291,324. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019110135
HU Shencai, CHU Lele, ZHOU Min. Antiseptic Effect of Pseudomonas Bacteriophages PrH-181 on Large Yellow Croaker Meat[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2021, 42(6): 288-291,324. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019110135
Citation: HU Shencai, CHU Lele, ZHOU Min. Antiseptic Effect of Pseudomonas Bacteriophages PrH-181 on Large Yellow Croaker Meat[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2021, 42(6): 288-291,324. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019110135


Antiseptic Effect of Pseudomonas Bacteriophages PrH-181 on Large Yellow Croaker Meat

  • 摘要: 为控制大黄鱼块中假单胞菌引起的腐败作用,本研究测试了1株假单胞菌裂解性噬菌体PrH-181在4℃有氧冷藏条件下对大黄鱼的防腐作用效果。经102~108 pfu/mL范围内不同效价噬菌体处理无菌大黄鱼汁后30℃培养至14 h,OD620 nm测定结果显示,噬菌体效价大于103 pfu/mL时就具有显著(P<0.05)的抑菌活性。从鱼块菌落数、pH和TVB-N含量等腐败临界关键指标变化来看,对照组中的假单胞菌落数在第4 d时就达到了临界值106 cfu/g,pH在第2 d时就降到了最低点,TVB-N含量在第4 d时已经超过临界值30 mg/100 g;而对104和106 pfu/mL的噬菌体处理组来说,假单胞菌落数分别于第10和12 d才达到临界值106 cfu/g,最低pH出现时间分别为第8和12 d,TVB-N含量分别于第12和14 d才超过临界值。可见噬菌体PrH-181对大黄鱼块的保鲜效果明显,且效价越高保鲜效果越好。


    Abstract: In order to control the spoilage of raw large yellow croaker fillets caused by Pseudomonas. The antibacterial ability of the Pseudomonas bacteriophage PrH-181 against the spoilage of large yellow croaker under aerobic refrigeration at 4℃ was studied. After treating the fish juice with different titer of 102 to 108 pfu/mL, incubating for 14 h at 30℃, the results of OD620 nmshowed the bacteriophage PrH-181 exhibited significant(P<0.05) antibacterial activity, when its titer was greater than 103 pfu/mL.From the change of colony numbers, pH and TVB-N concentration which characterize the extent of spoilage, as for the control, there were 106 cfu/g Pseudomonas, which was the critical value as symbolic of spoilage beginning, in the fourth day, and the minimun pH occurred in the second day, and the TVB-N concentration exceeded the critical value 30 mg/100 g on the fourth day. As for 104 pfu/mL and 106 pfu/mL phage-treated group, the time for the critical value of colony numbers occurred on the 10th and 12th day, and minimum pH occurred on the 8th and 12th day, TVB-N concentration was up to the critical value on the 12th and 14th day. So, it could be inferred that the preservation effect of bacteriophage PrH-181 on the large yellow croaker was obvious, and the higher the titer was, the better the preservation effect would be.


