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田双红, 郭嘉凤, 张晨禹, 王铭涵, 朱旗, 沈程文. 武夷岩茶原料加工岩茯茶的工艺研究[J]. 食品工业科技, 2019, 40(22): 242-248. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.22.042
引用本文: 田双红, 郭嘉凤, 张晨禹, 王铭涵, 朱旗, 沈程文. 武夷岩茶原料加工岩茯茶的工艺研究[J]. 食品工业科技, 2019, 40(22): 242-248. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.22.042
TIAN Shuang-hong, GUO Jia-feng, ZHANG Chen-yu, WANG Ming-han, ZHU Qi, SHEN Cheng-wen. Study on the Yanfu Tea Processed by Wuyi Rock Tea[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2019, 40(22): 242-248. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.22.042
Citation: TIAN Shuang-hong, GUO Jia-feng, ZHANG Chen-yu, WANG Ming-han, ZHU Qi, SHEN Cheng-wen. Study on the Yanfu Tea Processed by Wuyi Rock Tea[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2019, 40(22): 242-248. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.22.042


Study on the Yanfu Tea Processed by Wuyi Rock Tea

  • 摘要: 以武夷岩茶为原料,通过4种不同处理方法加工成岩茯茶,并对其进行品质分析。结果表明,与原料相比,岩茯茶成品茶多酚、游离氨基酸、可溶性糖含量下降,水浸出物含量增加,生物碱的含量增加,儿茶素和氨基酸含量下降。4种岩茯茶组内多重比较表明,高压汽蒸渥堆和添加微生物菌剂处理的岩茯茶(ZFG)茶多酚含量与未经处理直接按照茯砖茶工艺压制的岩茯茶(F)之间存在显著差异(P<0.05),而高压汽蒸渥堆处理的岩茯茶(ZF)、添加微生物菌剂处理的岩茯茶(FG)、ZFG的游离氨基酸、咖啡碱,可溶性糖和水浸出物含量与F之间均未存在显著差异;F与ZF在儿茶素总量上没有显著差异;F与FG表没食子儿茶素(EGC)、表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG)、儿茶素总量、非酯型儿茶素上存在显著差异,F与ZFG在EGC、表儿茶素没食子酸酯(ECG)、儿茶素总量、非酯型儿茶素方面均存在显著差异,F与其他三种处理茶样的茶氨酸(Theanine)及亮氨酸(Ieu)含量均存在显著差异。通过主成分分析表明,岩茯茶成品茶可显著改善武夷岩茶的滋味口感,使之更醇和,鲜爽,为探究武夷岩茶加工成茯砖茶成品的可行性提供理论基础。


    Abstract: In this study,raw material Wuyi rock tea was processed into Yanfu tea by four different treatment methods and its quality analyzed. The results showed that,compared with the raw materiale,the content of polyphenols,free amino acids and soluble sugar in Yanfu tea decreased,while the content of water extract increased. The content of alkaloids increased,while the content of catechin and amino acid components decreased. The results of multiple comparisons between four groups tea showed that the content of tea polyphenols in the Yanfu tea treated by high-pressure steam piles and addition of microbial agents(ZFG)was significantly different from the Yanfu tea treated by traditional brick-tea processing(F)(P<0.05). There was no significant difference among the content of free amino acids,caffeine,soluble sugar and water extracts of the Yanfu tea treated by high-pressure steam pile(ZF),the Yanfu tea addition of microbial agents(FG)and ZFG Yanfu tea with F Yanfu tea. Compared with F Yanfu tea,ZF Yanfu tea had no significant difference in catechin composition. There were significant differences between F and FG Yanfu tea in terms of the content of epigallocatechin(EGC),epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG),total catechin,simple catechin. F Yanfu tea was significant different from ZFG Yanfu tea in EGC,epicatechingallate(ECG),total catechins and non-ester catechin. The contents of Theanine and Ieucine(Ieu)were significant different from F Yanfu tea. Principal component analysis showed that Yanfu tea could significantly improve the taste of Wuyi rock tea,making it more mellow and fresh. These results can provide a theoretical basis for exploring the feasibility of processing Wuyi rock tea into the products of Yanfu tea.


