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陶磊, 万金庆, 厉建国, 童年. 脱水处理和冰温贮藏对真空低温烹调虾仁品质的影响[J]. 食品工业科技, 2019, 40(13): 231-235,241. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.13.038
引用本文: 陶磊, 万金庆, 厉建国, 童年. 脱水处理和冰温贮藏对真空低温烹调虾仁品质的影响[J]. 食品工业科技, 2019, 40(13): 231-235,241. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.13.038
TAO Lei, WAN Jin-qing, LI Jian-guo, TONG Nian. Effects of Dehydration and Ice Temperature Storage on the Quality of Sous Vide Cooked Penaeus vannamei[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2019, 40(13): 231-235,241. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.13.038
Citation: TAO Lei, WAN Jin-qing, LI Jian-guo, TONG Nian. Effects of Dehydration and Ice Temperature Storage on the Quality of Sous Vide Cooked Penaeus vannamei[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2019, 40(13): 231-235,241. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2019.13.038


Effects of Dehydration and Ice Temperature Storage on the Quality of Sous Vide Cooked Penaeus vannamei

  • 摘要: 为了延长真空低温烹调(Sous vide,SV)虾仁的贮藏期,对两组虾仁进行了冰温贮藏的实验研究,即新鲜虾仁SV处理组(B组)和脱水虾仁SV处理组(BT组),同时设置了相应的冷藏对照组,即新鲜虾仁SV处理组(A组)和脱水虾仁SV处理组(AT组),进行对比实验研究,通过对感官评价、菌落总数、pH、汁液流失率、硫代巴比妥酸含量、亮度、硬度的测定,分析了贮藏期间的虾仁品质变化。结果表明,A组、B组、AT组、BT组的的感官评分分别在22、34、44、52 d下降到3分,BT组的感官品质最好;整个贮藏期间,四组试验的菌落总数变化缓慢;A组和B组的汁液流失率均为23%左右,而AT组和BT组均为5%左右;A组和AT组的pH和TBA含量分别大于B组和BT组;A组和B组的L*值几乎相同,AT组和BT组的L*值比较接近;A组的硬度在前14 d大于B组,14 d后A组硬度小于B组,AT组的硬度在前16 d大于BT组,16 d后AT组硬度小于BT组。且BT组和AT组的硬度分别大于B组和A组。综上所述,经冰温真空脱水,再真空低温烹调,之后冰温贮藏的虾仁(BT组)品质最好,其贮藏期为52 d。


    Abstract: In order to prolong the storage period of shrimp in Sous vide (SV), two groups of shrimp were subjected to ice temperature storage experiments, namely fresh shrimp SV treatment group (group B) and dehydrated shrimp SV treatment group (group BT), at the same time, the corresponding cold storage control group was set up, namely fresh shrimp SV treatment group (group A) and dehydrated shrimp SV treatment group (group AT). Comparative experiment was conducted through sensory evaluation, total plate count, pH value, drip loss, TBA value, lightness, hardness, the quality of shrimp during storage was analyzed. The results showed that the sensory scores of group A, group B, group AT and group BT decreased to 3 points on 22 th, 34 th, 44 th, and 52 th day, respectively. The sensory quality of group BT was the best;During the whole storage period, the total plate counts of the four groups was basically unchanged. The drip loss of group A and group B was about 23%, while that of group AT and BT was about 5%.The pH and TBA content of group A and group AT were higher than those of group B and BT, respectively. The L* values of group A and group B were almost the same, and the L* values of group AT and group BT were relatively close. The hardness of group A was greater than that of group B in the first 14 days, and the hardness of group A was lower than that of group B after 14 days. The hardness of group AT was greater than that of group BT in the first 16 days, and the hardness of group AT was less than that of group BT after 16 days. And the hardness of the group BT and the group AT are greater than those of the group B and the group A, respectively.In summary, the best quality of shrimp was achieved by the ice temperature vacuum dehydration, SV and ice temperature storage and the storage period was 52 d.


