Objective:To analyze the content distribution of"Golden Flower" in Fuzhuan Tea in Shaanxi Province. Methods:According to the method of GB 5413.15, the content of "Golden Flower"of fifty samples FZC-1~FZC-50 were tested. Results:The growth rates of different strains on the same medium were different, the reproductive made of the strains was sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction, the colonies were yellow, dark yellow, brown or yellowish. The highest content of "Golden Flower"was FZC-35, 350×10
4 CFU/g. The lowest content was FZC-2 and FZC-4, which was 20×10
4 CFU/g. 48 samples met the standard GB/T 9833.3-2013 minimum requirement (20×10
4 CFU/g). 44 samples met the standard DBS61/0006-2014 minimum requirement (30×10
4 CFU/g). The results showed that there were great differences in the content of"Golden Flower"among different brick tea in Shaanxi area.