Analysis of aromas about three kinds of jujube and preparation of module flavor
摘要: 通过热脱附吸附金丝小枣、骏枣、灰枣3种红枣挥发性成分,利用GC-MS分析鉴定其香气。以香比强值为指标采用主成分分析三种红枣共有挥发物,聚类分析三种红枣共有挥发物成分的差异。结果表明骏枣含36种香气成分,金丝小枣54种,灰枣39种。3种红枣共有挥发物27种。根据聚类分析得骏枣和灰枣香气强度属于一类,金丝小枣单独一类。对比其部分共有挥发物及独有挥发物,金丝小枣香气成分种类丰富,并明显优于骏枣、灰枣。依据金丝小枣香气成分调制一支模块香精B,增强红枣香精A头香,增厚体香,平衡尾香,并增加了天然感与真实感。Abstract: Volatile components about three kinds of jujube were extracted by thermal desorption and were analyzed and identified by gas chromagraphy-mass spectrometry method. In order to find the difference between three kinds of jujube,aroma strength value was used as indicator. And the principal component analysis and cluster analysis was adopted to investigate the same volatile compounds. The results show that 36 aroma components were identified in jun-jujube. 54 aroma components were identified in Ziziphus jujube. 39 aroma components were identified in grey jujube. 27 kinds of the same aromas were got and analyzed by principal component analysis. Jun-jujube and grey jujube belong to one category. And Ziziphus jujube belongs to another category by cluster analysis. Compared with the common volatiles and unique volatiles,aromas from Ziziphus jujube were richest in the three kinds of jujubes. According to the aroma of Ziziphus jujube,a module flavor B was prepared to enhance red jujube flavor A top note,thick body note,and balance basic note. It also increased red jujube flavor A the natural feeling and the sense of reality.