Effect of storage conditions on the quality of Antarctic krill meal
摘要: 为探讨4 ℃和40 ℃条件下,光照、氧气条件对南极磷虾粉贮藏性的影响,将南极磷虾粉储藏于8种不同条件下,以色差、总虾青素、硫代巴比妥酸、游离脂肪酸、吡咯含量为指标,分析其贮藏过程中的品质变化。结果表明,在4 ℃贮藏温度下,南极磷虾粉的各指标变化均不显著。而在40 ℃贮藏温度下,有氧条件下光照组氧化降解最多,总虾青素、TBARS、吡咯分别达(14.46±2.40) nmol/g、(56.33±2.29) mg/kg、(168.00±1.43) μg/g;有氧条件下避光组水解酸败最多,FFA的含量最大为7.92%。结论:贮藏于低温环境下有利于虾粉的品质保持。Abstract: To investigate the effects of light and oxygen in Antarctic krill meal during storage at 40℃ and 4℃, it was stored at 8 different conditions. The color change and the contents of the total astaxanthin, TBARS, FFA and pyrrole were measured to analyze the quality changes of Antarctic krill meal. The results showed that the indicators of Antarctic krill meal were not significant at 4℃ storage. However, the most oxidative degradation of krill meal was obvious that total astaxanthin decreased to (14.46±2.40) nmol/g and the TBARS value increased to (56.33±2.29) mg/kg and pyrrole increased to (168.00±1.43) μg/g with light under oxygen condition at 40℃ storage. The most hydrolytic rancidity was occurred for the increase of FFA to 7.92% without light under oxygen condition. Therefore, it is effective to store in low temperature environment to maintain the quality krill meal.