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陈琳, 张新笑, 卞欢, 吴海虹, 孙冲, 邹烨, 诸永志, 王道营, 徐为民. 血水比例对羊血豆腐凝胶特性和品质的影响[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, (23): 5-9. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.23.002
引用本文: 陈琳, 张新笑, 卞欢, 吴海虹, 孙冲, 邹烨, 诸永志, 王道营, 徐为民. 血水比例对羊血豆腐凝胶特性和品质的影响[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, (23): 5-9. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.23.002
CHEN Lin, ZHANG Xin-xiao, BIAN Huan, WU Hai-hong, SUN Chong, ZOU Ye, ZHU Yong-zhi, WANG Dao-ying, XU Wei-min. Effect of ratios of blood to water on gel properties and quality of sheep blood tofu gel[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (23): 5-9. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.23.002
Citation: CHEN Lin, ZHANG Xin-xiao, BIAN Huan, WU Hai-hong, SUN Chong, ZOU Ye, ZHU Yong-zhi, WANG Dao-ying, XU Wei-min. Effect of ratios of blood to water on gel properties and quality of sheep blood tofu gel[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (23): 5-9. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.23.002


Effect of ratios of blood to water on gel properties and quality of sheep blood tofu gel

  • 摘要: 血水比例是调控血豆腐口感品质的关键。本实验以湖羊血液为原料,按照血水比(v/v)1∶0、1∶1、1∶2、1∶3、1∶4、1∶5、1∶6稀释后制作血豆腐凝胶,从血浆纤维蛋白原浓度、动态流变特性、微观结构、质构、保水性等指标的角度,研究血水比例对血豆腐凝胶特性和品质的影响。结果表明:随着血浓度降低,血豆腐储能模量、损能模量弱化,凝胶强度呈下降趋势,同时血豆腐凝胶蒸煮损失和离心损失增大,不易流动水比例下降,水分向慢弛豫方向移动。当血水比<1∶3时,凝胶网状结构稳定性下降,水分易渗出,且不具有动态流变特性,凝胶强度极弱;除弹性外,血豆腐硬度、咀嚼性、内聚性以及黏性均显著降低。血水比≥1∶3时能较好地保持羊血豆腐凝胶的质构特性和持水力,是制作血豆腐的适宜比例范围。 


    Abstract: Ratios of blood to water is the key factor influencing the texture quality of blood tofu gel.Hu sheep blood was mixed with saline to make blood tofu gel in ratios of 1∶ 0, 1 ∶ 1, 1 ∶ 2, 1 ∶ 3, 1 ∶ 4, 1 ∶ 5 and 1 ∶ 6. Then plasma fibrinogen levels, dynamic rheological properties, ultrastructural changes were measured to reveal the ratios of blood to water on gel properties and quality changes of sheep blood tofu gel.The results showed that with the fall of blood concentration, the storage moduli and loss moduli of blood tofu gel decreased and its strength tend to be weak, meanwhile the cooking loss, centrifuging loss and relaxation time increased and immobilized water decreased.When the ratio of blood to water was great than or equal to 1 ∶ 3, fibrin gel showed fragile and soft structure and blood tofu gel was not with typical dynamic fluid characteristics leading to more water exudate, the texture characteristics of blood tofu gel showed a remarkable falling of hardness, chewiness, cohesiveness, but elasticity was not affected.When the ratio of blood to water was more than 1 ∶ 3, it was conducive for maintaining the texture characteristics and water holding capacity, which was more suitable to make sheep blood tofu gel.


