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赵玉星, 郭俊霞, 陈文. 牛磺酸改善糖代谢的量效分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, (21): 295-301. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.21.058
引用本文: 赵玉星, 郭俊霞, 陈文. 牛磺酸改善糖代谢的量效分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, (21): 295-301. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.21.058
ZHAO Yu-xing, GUO Jun-xia, CHEN Wen. Dose-effect analysis of taurine in improving glucose metabolism[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (21): 295-301. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.21.058
Citation: ZHAO Yu-xing, GUO Jun-xia, CHEN Wen. Dose-effect analysis of taurine in improving glucose metabolism[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (21): 295-301. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.21.058


Dose-effect analysis of taurine in improving glucose metabolism

  • 摘要: 目的:分析近20年来国内外文献中牛磺酸改善糖代谢的量效关系,为牛磺酸改善糖代谢相关的保健食品、特殊医学用途食品的研发提供参考。方法:基于CNKI、Pub-Med数据库,检索以"牛磺酸降血糖"为主题的论文(1996年2015年),进一步检索"牛磺酸,空腹血糖"相关的文献,共计检索出相关文献466篇,其中涉及到牛磺酸降糖效果的有61篇。结果:链脲霉素(STZ)诱导的糖尿病大鼠摄入0.5%牛磺酸饮水和1%牛磺酸饲料12周可有效降血糖,摄入3%牛磺酸饮水显效周期为2周;四氧嘧啶(ALX)诱导的糖尿病大鼠摄入1%牛磺酸饮水1周即有效;高糖高脂膳食诱导的糖尿病大鼠摄入1%牛磺酸饮水30 d可显著降血糖,适当增加牛磺酸剂量有助于降糖效果;糖尿病小鼠通过34周2%牛磺酸饮水或低剂量腹腔注射牛磺酸,血糖可明显降低。对于ALX诱导的糖尿病兔,3周1%牛磺酸饮水使血糖显著下降;雄性仔鼠摄入1.5%牛磺酸水溶液,40 d后血糖明显降低;OLETF大鼠,摄入9周3%牛磺酸饮水或灌胃20周0.2 g/kg.d剂量的牛磺酸均可使血糖显著下降。糖尿病孕妇每日摄入12 g牛磺酸,3周后血糖下降。结论:血糖的降低与牛磺酸的作用时间和剂量密切相关,还受实验对象及其生理状态、造模方式、摄入方式等因素的影响。 


    Abstract: Purpose: The dose-effect relationship of taurine in improving glucose metabolism in domestic and foreign literatures in the past 20 years were analyzed to provide references for the development of taurine-related functional foods and special medical foods.Method: Based on CNKI, Pub-Med database, all the papers ( 1996-2015) with " taurine hypoglycemic " were retrieved, and the literatures related to " taurine and fasting blood glucose" were further searched. 466 related articles were retrieved out, and 61 articles were related to the hypoglycemic effect of taurine. Results: For STZ-induced diabetic rats, blood sugar was significantly reduced by 0.5% taurine drinking water or 1% taurine diet for 12 weeks or 3% taurine drinking water for 2 weeks.For ALX-induced diabetic rats, blood sugar was effectively decreased by 1% taurine drinking water for 1 week.For high glucose and high fat diet induced diabetic rats, intake of 1% taurine drinking water for 30 days notably reduced blood sugar, and an appropriate increase in taurine dose was beneficial to reduce the blood sugar. Blood sugar was decreased in diabetic mice by 2% taurine drinking water or low dose intraperitoneal injection of taurine for 34 weeks.For different ALXinduced diabetic rabbits, 3 weeks of 1% taurine drinking water significantly decreased blood sugar. After 40 days intake of1.5% taurine aqueous solution, the blood sugar of male newborn rats was significantly reduced. The intake of 3% taurine drinking water for 9 weeks or gavage of 0.2 g/kg/d dose of taurine to make blood sugar significantly decreased in OLETF rats.Daily intake of 12 g taurine for 3 weeks make the decline of blood sugar in diabetic pregnant women.Conclusion: The decrease of blood glucose is closely related to the experimental period and dose of taurine, and it is also affected by factors such as the experimental object and its physiological state, modeling method and intake mode.


