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刘梦培, 铁珊珊, 纵伟, 张丽华, 赵光远. 粒径分析法研究原花青素乳状液的制备工艺[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, (15): 196-200. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.15.037
引用本文: 刘梦培, 铁珊珊, 纵伟, 张丽华, 赵光远. 粒径分析法研究原花青素乳状液的制备工艺[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, (15): 196-200. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.15.037
LIU Meng-pei, TIE Shan-shan, ZONG Wei, ZHANG Li-hua, ZHAO Guang-yuan. Optimization process of emulsion of procyanidins by particle size analysis[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (15): 196-200. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.15.037
Citation: LIU Meng-pei, TIE Shan-shan, ZONG Wei, ZHANG Li-hua, ZHAO Guang-yuan. Optimization process of emulsion of procyanidins by particle size analysis[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (15): 196-200. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.15.037


Optimization process of emulsion of procyanidins by particle size analysis

  • 摘要: 为了制备原花青素乳状液,采用动态超高压微射流技术处理乳状液,选取阿拉伯胶和β-环糊精作为壁材,以壁材中阿拉伯胶含量、总固形物含量、处理压力为影响因素,粒径为指标进行研究。在单因素的实验基础上,通过响应面优化分析可知最佳优化工艺为:阿拉伯胶含量为40%、总固形物含量为15%、处理压力为160 MPa。该条件下获得的乳状液的粒径预测值为629.20 nm,而粒径的真实值为633.70 nm,预测值与实际测量值吻合度为98.90%,响应值的实验值与回归方程预测值吻合良好。结论:在此条件下获得的原花青素乳状液稳定性强,分布均匀;同时根据处理压力对乳状液粒径及其分布的影响结果可知,超高压微射流可以提高乳状液的稳定性。 


    Abstract: In order to get high performance of procyanidins emulsion, the dynamic high pressure microfluidization ( DHPM) method was applied to prepare procyanidins emulsion.Using gum Arabic and β-cyclodextrin as wall material, the independent variable were gum Arabic content, the total solids content and treating pressure, the responses was partical size of procyanidins emulsion.The single factor and response surface analysis showed that the optimum process conditions were that the gum Arabic content 40%, total solids content 15% and treating pressure 160 MPa. Under these conditions, the predicted value of size was629.20 nm, and the corresponding experimental value was 633.70 nm. The experimental value was basically agreed with the predictive value of response surface analysis. Conclusion: We can get strong stability and uniform dispersion of procyanidins emulsion in this condition; According to the influence of treating pressure on partical size and distributions showed that DHPM method could improve the stability of emulsion.


