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李亚苹, 郇延军. 即食风鹅加工过程中皮下脂肪及肌内脂肪的氧化规律[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, (04): 143-147. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.04.019
引用本文: 李亚苹, 郇延军. 即食风鹅加工过程中皮下脂肪及肌内脂肪的氧化规律[J]. 食品工业科技, 2017, (04): 143-147. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.04.019
LI Ya- ping, HUAN Yan- jun. The rules of lipid oxidation in subcutaneous and intramuscular of dry- cured goose during processing[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (04): 143-147. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.04.019
Citation: LI Ya- ping, HUAN Yan- jun. The rules of lipid oxidation in subcutaneous and intramuscular of dry- cured goose during processing[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (04): 143-147. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.04.019


The rules of lipid oxidation in subcutaneous and intramuscular of dry- cured goose during processing

  • 摘要: 通过对即食风鹅加工过程中各工艺点肌肉及皮下脂肪的盐分含量、水分含量、POV值、羰基值和双烯值、TBARS值、酸价以及游离脂肪酸总量的测定,探究了即食风鹅加工过程中脂肪氧化的规律。结果表明:风干过程中皮下组织水分较肌肉散失速率快,盐分含量增加。肌肉水分含量与肌内脂肪的TBARS值呈显著负相关(p<0.05),说明水分减少有利于脂肪氧化;风干阶段肌内脂肪的羰基值和双烯值较皮下脂肪波动大,肌内脂肪氧化程度比较大;蒸煮和灭菌工艺结束后TBARS值从风干结束后的0.27 mg/kg迅速增加到0.53 mg/kg,说明较高的温度促进了以丙二醛为代表的醛类物质的产生和游离脂肪酸的积累,从而加强了脂肪的水解和氧化程度。 


    Abstract: Salt content,moisture content,POV value,carbonyl value,diene value,TBARS value,acid value and the total amount of free fatty acids of dry- cured goose during process was determined and results showed that,salt content in intramuscular lipid increased with drying time,moisture gradually lost. Moisture and TBARS value was significantly negative correlation in intramuscular lipid( p < 0.05),indicating that the less moisture was conducive to lipid oxidation.Carbonyl value and diene value changed more dramatically in intramuscular lipid than in subcutaneous lipid during air drying process.TBARS value increased rapidly from 0.27 mg / kg at the end of drying to 0.53 mg / kg after cooking process and sterilization process.This indicated that higher temperature promoted the accumulation of aldehydes( what is representative by malondialdehyde) and the total amount of free fatty acids,it greatly deepened the degree of hydrolysis and oxidation of lipid.


