Amino acid composition and nutritional evaluation of different Hypsizygus marmoreus samples
摘要: 本研究测定了海鲜菇的盖、柄、根、幼菇及残菇的粗蛋白和氨基酸含量,分析了不同样品的营养价值。结果表明,5个样品中粗蛋白含量为19.32%31.79%、氨基酸总和含量为10.68%20.14%、必需氨基酸总和含量为4.05%7.05%。各样品中氨基酸含量丰富,其中谷氨酸(1.94%4.45%)和天门冬氨酸(1.04%1.81%)的鲜味氨基酸含量较高。各样品中必需氨基酸模式与人体必需氨基酸的要求较接近,并富含赖氨酸、亮氨酸和苯丙氨酸+酪氨酸,缺乏蛋氨酸+胱氨酸等含硫氨基酸,可以通过与其他食物营养搭配,提高营养价值。Abstract: The content of crude protein and amino acid in five Hypsizygus marmoreus were analyzed.The nutritive values of the five samples were analyzed. The results showed that the content of crude protein were 19.32% ~31.79%,the content of total amino acids were 10.68% ~20.14%,the content of the total essential amino acids were4.05% ~7.05% in different samples.All the samples contained abundant of amino acids,especially the flavor amino acid of glutamic acid( 1.94% ~ 4.45%) and asparaginic acid( 1.04% ~ 1.81%). The model of total essential amino acids was close to the human body essential amino acid requirements. The samples were a good resource of lysine,leucine and phenylalanine + tyrosine,but lack of methionine + cystine that can be added by other food to improve the nutrition value.