Research of healthcare wine-making process from greengage-jujube in low temperature
摘要: 为了探索新型青梅大枣果酒最佳低温发酵工艺,实验通过对添加不同用量大枣在不同温度条件下青梅大枣果酒发酵情况进行研究,分别考察了发酵过程中总糖、酸度、黄酮、环腺苷酸(c AMP)浓度变化趋势,并对最终果酒酒精度和感官指标进行分析比较。结果表明,在13~22℃范围内,温度对青梅大枣果酒发酵进程的各项指标都有较大影响。随着温度的降低,发酵醪液中总糖含量下降变缓,而大枣用量由0增加到12%,使醪液中总糖含量呈现上升趋势。随着温度的升高,果醪中总酸含量也随之增加,且增幅变大;在22℃温度条件下,对照组和最高大枣用量的青梅果酒中总酸分别达到10.13 mg/m L和10.5 mg/m L(柠檬酸计)。此外,随着大枣用量的增加,果酒中黄酮含量和c AMP浓度增加显著;温度的升高(13~22℃),也对黄酮和c AMP含量的增加有促进作用。在19℃、大枣用量为12%的条件下,果酒中黄酮和c AMP浓度分别为1.60 mg/m L和0.41 mg/m L,显著高于其它处理水平。综合各项指标的检测和感官品评结果,得出在青梅果醪中添加大枣量为9%,采用19℃较低发酵温度时,酿制的青梅大枣果酒品质最佳。Abstract: The parameters of winemaking process from greengage and jujube were investigated at low fermentation temperatures with different jujube concentrations by analyzing the total sugar,acidity,concentration of flavonoid and c AMP during the fermentation process coupled with the assay of alcohol content and sensory evaluation of final products.The results showed that fermentation temperature exerted greater influence on the items during 13 and 22 ℃.The total sugar content decreased slowly as the decreasing of fermentation temperature,but increased as the increasing of jujube concentrations from 0 to 12%. As the increasing of temperature,the acidities of greengage-jujube wines increased. The titratable acidities of control and the highest jujube content wines were10.13 mg / m L and 10.5 mg / m L( citric acid) at 22 ℃.The flavonoid and c AMP contents of wines increased with the increasing of temperature and jujube's content at some temperatures.The highest concentrations of flavonoid and c AMP in 12% jujube content wine at 19 ℃ were 1.60 mg / m L and 0.41 mg / m L,respectively,and were significantly higher than the other wines.Based on the analysis on all items,the wine derived from the 9% jujube content and fermented at 19 ℃ exhibited the highest quality.