Review of the researches on polysaccharides from Isatis indigatica Fort.
摘要: 板蓝根为中国传统中药,板蓝根多糖是板蓝根中含量较多的化学成分之一。目前国内外有很多关于板蓝根多糖的研究报道,随着研究的深入,人们也逐渐意识到板蓝根多糖可能是板蓝根生物活性的主要作用因子之一。本文对板蓝根多糖的国内外研究情况进行系统的归纳和总结,分别介绍了板蓝根多糖的提取与纯化方法、分子量、单糖组成、结构、生物活性和板蓝根多糖保健品研究进展情况,希望为板蓝根多糖今后的研究提供一定的借鉴,也相信板蓝根多糖在未来一定有更加广泛的发展和应用空间。Abstract: Isatis indigatica Fort. is a known traditional Chinese herb with the polysaccharides as one of the main components.The polysaccharides were found to be one of the factors for the bioactivities of Isatis indigatica Fort.according to the researches.This paper reviewed the publications about the polysaccharides from Isatis indigatica Fort.,including the extraction and purification methods,monosaccharide composition,molecular weight,glycosidic bond,immunomodulatory activities and functional foods. This review may promote the researches on the polysaccharides from the Isatis indigatica Fort..And the polysaccharides from the Isatis indigatica Fort.will surely be used widely in the future.