Bioactive functional components in Chinese liquor
摘要: 白酒与健康的关系是当今的热门话题。通过总结研究者在白酒与健康方面的一些研究成果的基础上,重点论述了白酒中的一些相关成分与健康的关系,详细的介绍了白酒中含有的一些功能活性成分和健康作用,并通过比较白酒与洋酒的差异性,科学地阐述了白酒的健康功能,以期倡导适量饮酒、科学饮酒、健康饮酒,发挥酒及其文化的科学功能和社会作用。Abstract: Relationship between drinking Chinese liquor and human health is becoming hot topic. With detailed analysis on source of some functional ingredients and pharmacological actions of Chinese liquor,and by comparing the differences of Chinese liquor and foreign wine,the value of Chinese liquor on human health was expouned in this paper. It advocated moderate drinking,eliminated doubts of consumers in drinking liquor and improved the value of Chinese liquor in the social etiquette.