Origin traceability and processing authenticity in brewing vinegars by GC- C- IRMS technique
摘要: 利用同位素技术测定食品中的δ13C值已经成为食品质量检验的一种重要手段。该实验中,通过有机溶剂稀释与气相色谱-燃烧-同位素比值质谱联用(GC-C-IRMS)方法来测定3种工业用冰醋酸、2种食用醋酸以及14种商品化食醋中的醋酸的δ13C值,发现食用醋酸的δ13C值在-11.57‰-20.66‰之间,而工业冰醋酸的δ13C值在-24.45‰-29.14‰之间;镇江香醋中的醋酸δ13C值在-22‰-25‰之间,山西陈醋的δ13C值在-13‰20‰之间,白醋的δ13C值在-14‰-25‰之间。因此GC-C-IRMS技术不但可以区分工业冰醋酸和食用醋酸,而且可以区别部分不同来源和不同酿造工艺的食醋。Abstract: Stable carbon isotope technique( δ13C) has been extensively utilized in food quality examination. In this study,δ13C of acetic acid,acquired from three synthetic glacial acetic acids,two edible acetic acids and fourteenth commercial vinegars were determined by gas chromatography- combustion- isotope ratio mass spectrometry( GC-C-IRMS).The results showed that δ13C from edible acetic acids were between-11.57‰ and-20.66‰ andδ13C of different synthetic glacial acetic acids were between-24.45‰ and-29.14‰ based on our measurements.δ13C of commercial vinegars made at Zhenjiang city was between-22‰ and-25‰,δ13C of commercial vinegars made at Shanxi province was between-13‰ and-20‰,while δ13C of white vinegars was from-14‰ and-25‰.So,this method could not only distinguish the δ13C between synthetic acetic acid and edible acetic acid from natural fermentation,but also could be applicable in authenticity and origin traceability of some vinegars.