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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
李泽仟, 顾欢, 康乐, 张亚, 宋焕禄. 当归中关键气味活性化合物的鉴定及其在煎煮过程中变化规律研究[J]. 食品工业科技, 2016, (09): 311-316. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2016.09.052
引用本文: 李泽仟, 顾欢, 康乐, 张亚, 宋焕禄. 当归中关键气味活性化合物的鉴定及其在煎煮过程中变化规律研究[J]. 食品工业科技, 2016, (09): 311-316. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2016.09.052
LI Ze-qian, GU Huan, KANG Le, ZHANG Ya, SONG Huan-lu. Identification of key aroma- active compounds in Radix Angelica sinensis and study on its variation during boiling process[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2016, (09): 311-316. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2016.09.052
Citation: LI Ze-qian, GU Huan, KANG Le, ZHANG Ya, SONG Huan-lu. Identification of key aroma- active compounds in Radix Angelica sinensis and study on its variation during boiling process[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2016, (09): 311-316. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2016.09.052


Identification of key aroma- active compounds in Radix Angelica sinensis and study on its variation during boiling process

  • 摘要: 通过溶剂辅助风味蒸发制样(SAFE)和动态顶空制样(DHS)与气相色谱-嗅闻仪-质谱联机法(GC-O-MS)结合,对当归药材中的主要气味活性化合物进行分析,最终分别鉴定出43种和47种气味活性化合物。此外,采用香气提取物稀释分析(AEDA)和动态顶空稀释分析(DHDA)共同确定了贡献度较大的6种关键气味活性化合物:6-十一酮(泥土味、中药味)、藁本内酯(药草味)、丁烯基苯酞(药草味)、己醛(青草味)、辛醛(清香)和2-甲氧基-4-乙烯基苯酚(咖喱味)。最后,采用固相微萃取法(SPME)提取当归煎煮液的挥发性成分,并以内标法对关键气味活性化合物进行定量分析。结果表明:上述6种关键气味化合物在煎煮过程中含量发生改变,致使煎煮液清新香韵先增强后减弱,泥土香韵强度减弱,药草和咖喱香韵整体增强。 


    Abstract: Predominant aroma- active compounds in Radix Angelica sinensis were analysed by solvent- assisted flavor evaporation( SAFE) and dynamic headspace sampling( DHS),combined with gas chromatography-olfactromrtry- mass spectrometry( GC- O- MS).A total of 43 and 47 odorants were identified,respectively.In addition,aroma extract dilution analysis( AEDA) and dynamic headspace dilution analysis( DHDA) were carried out to screen the key aroma- active compounds in Radix Angelica sinensis.The result showed that 6 key odorants with stronger flavor properties in overall odor profile were identified : 6- undecanone( earthy,herbal),ligustilide( herbal),butylidenephthalide( herbal),hexanal( cut- grass),octanal( green) and 2- methoxy-4- vinylphenol( curry- like).At last,the key aroma- active compounds identified above in Radix Angelica sinensis decoction were extracted by solid- phase micro- extraction( SPME),quantified with internal standard method.The result showed that the contents of the 6 compounds varied during the boiling process so that the enhancement and reduction of green aroma,reduction of earthy aroma and enhancement of herbal and curry aroma were found in the decoction.


