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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
汪婧瑜, 刘学铭, 张业辉, 王维民, 张友胜, 李健雄, 陈之瑶. 乌鳢酶水解物螯合钙的制备及其结构分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2016, (08): 206-210. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2016.08.034
引用本文: 汪婧瑜, 刘学铭, 张业辉, 王维民, 张友胜, 李健雄, 陈之瑶. 乌鳢酶水解物螯合钙的制备及其结构分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2016, (08): 206-210. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2016.08.034
WANG Jing-yu, LIU Xue-ming, ZHANG Ye-hui, WANG Wei-ming, ZHANG You-sheng, LI Jian-xiong, CHEN Zhi-yao. Preparation and structural analysis of enzymatic hydrolysate chelated calcium from channa argus[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2016, (08): 206-210. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2016.08.034
Citation: WANG Jing-yu, LIU Xue-ming, ZHANG Ye-hui, WANG Wei-ming, ZHANG You-sheng, LI Jian-xiong, CHEN Zhi-yao. Preparation and structural analysis of enzymatic hydrolysate chelated calcium from channa argus[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2016, (08): 206-210. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2016.08.034


Preparation and structural analysis of enzymatic hydrolysate chelated calcium from channa argus

  • 摘要: 为研究乌鳢酶水解物螯合钙的制备及其结构变化,实验通过优化酶解条件和螯合条件制备得到螯合率较高的乌鳢酶水解物螯合钙。结果表明,单因素和响应面优化实验确定的最佳螯合条件:加酶量35000 U/g、p H6.0、酶水解物与氯化钙质量比5∶1、螯合温度40℃、螯合时间30 min,此条件下酶水解物螯合钙的螯合率达到57.36%。紫外吸收光谱和红外吸收光谱测试表明乌鳢酶水解物和钙离子形成了稳定的螯合物,螯合物氨基酸结构分析表明螯合后酶水解物中天冬氨酸和谷氨酸的含量显著增加。通过扫描电子显微镜表征乌鳢酶水解物螯合前后的微观结构,表明酶水解物与钙离子有吸附作用。该研究为乌鳢的精深加工提供了新途径和理论基础。 


    Abstract: The preparation and structural characteristics of the enzymatic hydrolysate chelated calcium were studied,using the channa argus as the raw material. The enzymatic hydrolysate were obtained from channa argus protein by enzymolysis. The enzymatic hydrolysate chelated calcium was produced by chelating the enzymatic hydrolysate and calcium chloride. Single factor and response surface analyses were applied to optimize the chelating rate. The optimal chelating conditions were listed as follow:enzyme dosage=35000 U/g,p H of 6.0,peptides/calcium chloride of 5∶1(W/W),chelating temperature of 40 ℃ and chelating time of 30 min.The value of highest chelating rate was 57.36% at this condition. UV-VIS and FT-IR spectra confirmed the stable enzymatic hydrolysate chelated calcium formed after chelating reaction. The amino composition analysis of the enzymatic hydrolysate indicated the content of aspartic acid and glutamic acid had increased significantly after chelating reaction. The morphology of the enzymatic hydrolysate chelated calcium was revealed by SEM,and it indicated that the enzymatic hydrolysate was adsorbed with calcium. This work provided a novel method for highly utilized the channa argus.


