Separation and purification technologies of bioactive metabolites from Streptomyces
摘要: 放线菌尤其是链霉菌是微生物生物活性天然产物的主要产生菌,链霉菌属的很多菌能产生多种抗生素、抗肿瘤药物及酶等重要活性代谢产物,具有广泛的商业和医用开发价值。本文对链霉菌产生的生物活性物质分离纯化方法进行了综述,并对发展趋势进行了展望。Abstract: A large number of bioactive substances,such as antibiotics,antineoplastic drugs and enzymes were mainly derived from actinomycetes,especially from streptomyces. Streptomyces could produce many active metabolites which had tremendous commercial and medical exploitation value. In this paper,the separation and purification technologies of bioactive microbial metabolites were reviewed and the research trends were discussed.