体内和体外条件下不同浓度硅酸钠和对应pH抑制粉红单端孢(Trichothecium roseum)效果比较
Comparison of inhibitory effect of sodium silicate at different concentrations and corresponding p H on Trichothecium roseum in vitro and in vivo
摘要: 本文研究了不同浓度硅酸钠和对应p H对T.roseum孢子萌发和菌落生长的抑制;100mmol/L硅酸钠和对应p H12.60处理孢子3,6,9h后,损伤接种苹果对其病斑直径的影响;以及采用扫描电镜观察处理后孢子表面形态的变化。结果表明,不同浓度硅酸钠和对应p H处理均能有效抑制T.roseum孢子的萌发和菌落生长,但硅酸钠处理的效果要更好(p<0.05),硅酸钠处理后的孢子其病斑直径明显低于对照(p<0.05),但经对应p H12.60处理后的孢子其病斑直径则与对照相比无显著性差异(p>0.05)。硅酸钠处理的孢子表面粗糙,皱缩明显,表面结构破坏,有明显的内容物渗出;对应p H处理虽然也能导致孢子皱缩,但并未破坏其结构。上述结果表明,硅酸钠比对应p H处理对T.roseum生长的抑制作用更为明显。Abstract: The inhibitory effect were assayed on spore germination and colony growth of T.roseum treated with sodium silicate at different concentration and corresponding p H.The lesion diameter was determined in apple fruits inoculated with pores treated with 100 mmol / L sodium silicate and corresponding p H12.60 for 3, 6 and 9h.Morphology of spores treated with 100 mmol / L sodium silicate and corresponding p H12.60 was observed by SEM.The results showed that sodium silicate at different concentration and corresponding p H significantly inhibited the spore germination and colony growth. However, sodium silicate treatments showed more effective than corresponding p H treatments ( p < 0.05) . Apples inoculated with spores treated with sodium silicate had a smaller lesion diameter when compared with the control; however, no difference was found in lesion diameter treated with corresponding p H and the control. Spores treated with sodium silicate appeared rough, significant shrinkage, damaged structure and contents exudate. The treatment with corresponding p H also caused the shrinkage of spores, but the structure was not damaged. It was suggested that sodium silicate treatment caused more severe damage than corresponding p H treatment against T.roseum.