Effect of essential oil from Longan seed on preservation and antioxidant activity in strawberry fruit
摘要: 本文以"红实美"草莓为实验材料,研究了不同浓度龙眼核精油浸泡处理对草莓采后低温保鲜(4℃)的效果。结果表明,龙眼核精油对草莓采后具有显著的保鲜作用,可有效降低草莓的腐烂指数,减缓草莓中可溶性固形物、总糖、维生素C、总黄酮和总酚的损失速度,提高了果实对DPPH和ABTS自由基的清除能力,维持了其抗氧化活性,其中以精油浓度160μg/m L处理组效果最好,除可滴定酸外,其余指标均显著优于其它处理组和对照组。Abstract: The fresh strawberry ( Fragaria ananassa Duch. cv. Hongshimei) was used as the experimental material and different concentrations of essential oil from Longan seed was employed to study on the preservation effects of the post harvest strawberry under low temperature condition ( 4℃) . The results showed that the essential oil from Longan seed had remarkable effects on the preservation of strawberry, which could reduce the decay index and slow down the losing speed of soluble solid, total sugar, vitamin C, total flavone and phenolics effectively, the radical scavenging ability against DPPH and ABTS of the strawberry was improved and its antioxidant activity was kept.The strawberry treated by the essential oil with the concentration of 160μg / m L showed the best effect, all of indexes but titrable acidity were superior to other treatments and control group remarkably.