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段小明, 张蓓, 冯叙桥, 董福, 蔡茜彤, 范林林. 不同压力处理大米制得米饭冷藏期间风味变化的电子鼻分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2015, (06): 325-330. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.06.063
引用本文: 段小明, 张蓓, 冯叙桥, 董福, 蔡茜彤, 范林林. 不同压力处理大米制得米饭冷藏期间风味变化的电子鼻分析[J]. 食品工业科技, 2015, (06): 325-330. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.06.063
DUAN Xiao-ming, ZHANG Bei, FENG Xu-qiao, DONG Fu, CAI Xi-tong, FAN Lin-lin. Electronic nose analysis on flavor changes of cooked rice made of rice treated with different pressures during cold storage[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2015, (06): 325-330. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.06.063
Citation: DUAN Xiao-ming, ZHANG Bei, FENG Xu-qiao, DONG Fu, CAI Xi-tong, FAN Lin-lin. Electronic nose analysis on flavor changes of cooked rice made of rice treated with different pressures during cold storage[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2015, (06): 325-330. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.06.063


Electronic nose analysis on flavor changes of cooked rice made of rice treated with different pressures during cold storage

  • 摘要: 采用电子鼻测定了不同压力处理大米制得米饭冷藏期间的挥发性成分,探讨电子鼻用于检测米饭风味成分、区分不同冷藏时间米饭的可行性及超高压处理对米饭冷藏期间风味变化情况的影响。大米在温度40℃、米水比(w/w)为1∶2的条件下浸泡40min,并在15℃下分别经200、400、600MPa处理10min,以未经超高压处理的大米作为对照组,将其蒸煮15min制成米饭,保鲜膜密封后置于4℃下贮藏,冷藏期间每天采用PEN3电子鼻对米饭进行测定。采用主成分分析法(PCA)、传感器贡献率分析法(LA)、线性判别式分析法(LDA)分析了米饭冷藏期间的挥发性成分,并建立了特征雷达图。结果表明:压力对米饭冷藏期间甲烷、硫化物、乙醇、芳香类及有机硫化物的产生有较大影响,贮藏期间200MPa米饭甲烷、硫化物、乙醇的产生量最高,600MPa米饭硫化物、芳香类及有机硫化物的产生量最低;W5S、W1W是识别米饭挥发性成分的主要传感器;电子鼻对米饭的挥发性物质反应比较灵敏,可用于米饭挥发性物质的无损检测;PCA分析可区分不同贮藏天数的对照或600MPa米饭,LDA分析可区分不同贮藏天数的400MPa或600MPa米饭。 


    Abstract: To explore the feasibility of using electronic nose to detect the flavor of cooked rice and to distinguish between cooked rice with different storage time,and further to study the effect of high pressure treatment on the flavor of cooked rice,electronic nose was used to detect the dynamic changes of volatile compounds in the cooked rice made of rice treated with different pressures during cold storage. Rice that had been soaked at40℃ for 40 min with ratio of rice and water(w/w) as 1∶2 was treated under 200,400 or 600 MPa respectively for 10 min at 15℃ before being steamed for 15 min. The rice without high pressure processing was as controlled trial. The cooked rice was packaged with plastic wrap and then stored at 4℃ for evaluation. During storage,the volatile components in the cooked rice were measured daily by PEN3. Principal component analysis(PCA),loadings analysis(LA),and linear discriminant analysis(LDA) were used to analyze the data obtained by PEN3 in the cooked rice during cold storage and characteristic radar charts were further established. The results showed that pressure affected the production of methane,sulfide,ethanol,aromatic compounds and organic sulfide in the cooked rice during cold storage. The contents of methane,sulfide and ethanol in the 200 MPa rice were the highest,while that of sulfide,aromatic compounds and organic sulfides in the 600 MPa rice were the lowest during storage in the pressure treatments. W5 S and W1 W were more effective for identifying the flavor of the cooked rice. The results of this experiment indicated that electronic nose was sensitive to the changes of volatile compound in cooked rice and could be used to nondestructively test the flavor change of cooked rice. PCA identified the control sample or600 MPa rice with different storage time,and LDA distinguished the 400 or 600 MPa rice with different storage time.


