Study on fermentation characteristics of two weak postacification Lactobacillus Bulgaricus
摘要: 以实验室筛选出的后酸化能力最弱的两株保加利亚乳杆菌为出发菌,通过对产酸能力、后酸化特性、产香性能及发酵酸乳物性特性等发酵性能进行测定,以评估其是否具有发酵剂的潜能,旨在开发具有优良发酵特性且弱后酸化的酸奶发酵剂。结果表明:实验菌株KLDS1.1011和KLDS1.1006的产酸能力稍差,但在凝乳24h后酸度大于70°T,达到GB19302-2010对酸乳的要求。KLDS1.1011发酵的酸乳在4℃和20℃下储藏21d发生的后酸化程度仍很低,乳清排出少,酸乳质构最好,乙醛产量较高,具有极大的开发潜能。Abstract: Two weak postacidification Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus strains which were screened from KLDS- DICC were regarded as the research subjects. The fermentation characteristics of these strains were studied, including abilities of producing acid, producing flavoring substances, physical properties and post acidification during the storage period to assess whether they had the potential to be yoghurt starter. Results demonstrated that KLDS1.1011 and KLDS1.1006's acid- producing ability was lower than KLDS1.9201, while the yogurt's acidity after 24 h storage at 4℃ was higher than 70°T which satisfied the requirements of GB19302-2010.Besides, the yoghurt fermented by KLDS1.1011 occurred very low postacification during storage at 4℃ and 20℃for 21 d, discharging less whey, best textural features and yielding higher acetaldehyde.Therefore KLDS1.1011 has greater value to study more.