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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
段宙位, 窦志浩, 张容鹄, 谢辉, 何艾. 黄灯笼椒中高纯度辣椒碱类化合物的制备研究[J]. 食品工业科技, 2014, (12): 277-281. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.12.052
引用本文: 段宙位, 窦志浩, 张容鹄, 谢辉, 何艾. 黄灯笼椒中高纯度辣椒碱类化合物的制备研究[J]. 食品工业科技, 2014, (12): 277-281. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.12.052
DUAN Zhou-wei, DOU Zhi-hao, ZHANG Rong-hu, XIE Hui, HE Ai. Preparation of high purity capsaicin from Capsicum chinense[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2014, (12): 277-281. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.12.052
Citation: DUAN Zhou-wei, DOU Zhi-hao, ZHANG Rong-hu, XIE Hui, HE Ai. Preparation of high purity capsaicin from Capsicum chinense[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2014, (12): 277-281. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.12.052


Preparation of high purity capsaicin from Capsicum chinense

  • 摘要: 以辣椒油树脂为原料,研究树脂分离与结晶条件对辣椒碱类化合物纯度的影响。结果表明:NKA-Ⅱ大孔树脂对辣椒油树脂的分离效果最好,最佳吸附条件为:样品浓度4.0mg/mL,pH7,上样流速2.5mL/min;最佳洗脱条件为:洗脱剂90%乙醇,pH4,洗脱流速2.0mL/min。NKA-Ⅱ树脂分离辣椒油树脂后,经石油醚、乙醚两次萃取,得到辣椒碱类化合物粗品,用石油醚溶解,配成浓度为20mg/mL的溶液,在-5℃条件下重结晶3.0h,得到纯度为92.46%的辣椒碱类化合物。 


    Abstract: Capsicum oleoresin was used as the raw material to explore the effect of resin separation and crystallization on the purity of capsaicinoids. The results showed that NKA-Ⅱ macroporous resin was feasible for the purification. During the resin adsorption process, the optimum adsorption conditions were as follows:4.0mg/mL of the sample concentration, 2.5mg/mL of the sample flow rate with pH7. And the optimal desorption conditions were 90% of alcohol, 2.0mL/min of the eluting rate with pH4. After capsicum oleoresin was separated by NKA-Ⅱresin and extracted by petroleum ether and ethyl ether, then it was recrystallized by petroleum ether for 3.0h with 20mg/mL of concentration and-5℃ of temperature, the purity of capsaicin was up to 92.46%.


