Research progress in application of complex biological preservation technology in the fresh food
摘要: 近年来复合生物保鲜技术在生鲜食品上的应用,引起了越来越多的研究者的关注,研究结果层出不穷。本文介绍了复合生物保鲜技术及其原理,针对生鲜食品的品质变化特点,列举了复合生物保鲜技术在生鲜食品保鲜中的诸多应用与进展,为生物保鲜技术发展和生鲜食品产业发展提供有益参考和理论依据。Abstract: In recent years, complex biological preservation techniques applied in fresh food become a hot topic and more and more new results come out. The technology and its principles were introduced, and the quality attributes and quality change mechanisms of fresh food were also briefly presented. The research situation and developmental tendency of complex biological preservation techniques for fresh food were reviewed and discussed. The aims of this work were to provide some reference for the research and application of complex biological preservation techniques, and gave an impetus to the development of fresh food industry.