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董红敏, 李素清, 牛小勇, 沈丽雯, 李路, 秦文. 正交实验优化川明参多糖超声提取工艺[J]. 食品工业科技, 2014, (08): 306-309. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.08.061
引用本文: 董红敏, 李素清, 牛小勇, 沈丽雯, 李路, 秦文. 正交实验优化川明参多糖超声提取工艺[J]. 食品工业科技, 2014, (08): 306-309. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.08.061
DONG Hong-min, LI Su-qing, NIU Xiao-yong, SHEN Li-wen, LI Lu, QIN Wen. Optimizing ultrasonic extraction of plysaccharides from Chuanminshen violaceum based on orthogonal experiments design[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2014, (08): 306-309. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.08.061
Citation: DONG Hong-min, LI Su-qing, NIU Xiao-yong, SHEN Li-wen, LI Lu, QIN Wen. Optimizing ultrasonic extraction of plysaccharides from Chuanminshen violaceum based on orthogonal experiments design[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2014, (08): 306-309. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.08.061


Optimizing ultrasonic extraction of plysaccharides from Chuanminshen violaceum based on orthogonal experiments design

  • 摘要: 研究超声波水提醇沉法提取川明参多糖的最佳工艺。通过单因素实验和正交实验对提取工艺进行优化设计,采用苯酚-硫酸比色法测定多糖含量,考察料液比、超声提取温度、超声功率、超声作用时间和超声提取次数对川明参多糖提取率的影响。得出影响川明参多糖提取率的先后次序为:料液比>超声提取温度>超声功率>超声作用时间。最佳提取工艺条件为温度70℃,超声功率140W,料液比1∶40,提取时间45min,提取2次。该工艺条件下,川明参多糖的平均提取率为47.13%。 


    Abstract: In order to obtain optimization of ultrasonic extraction of polysaccharides from Chuanminshen violaceum, the effect of the solid-liquid ratio, extraction temperature, ultrasonic power, ultrasonic action time and the extraction times of the polysaccharides by single factor experiments and orthogonal experiments in distilled water were investigated. The content of polysaccharides was determined by phenol-vitriol colorimetry method.The decreasing order of importance of the four process conditions affecting polysaccharide extraction was solid-liquid ratio, extraction temperature, ultrasonic power and ultrasonic action time. The orthogonal experimental results showed that the optimal conditions were extraction temperature 70℃, ultrasonic power 140W, solid-liquid ratio 1 ∶40, ultrasonic action time 45min, 2 times. Under this condition, the average rate of extraction of polysaccharides was 47.13%.


