Risk control standards analysis on food production and processing
摘要: 主要根据食品生产加工过程可能存在的化学和生物风险,对控制上述风险的标准进行系统梳理,明确了生产加工过程风险控制的要点;对控制要点标准检测方法的分析显示,有27种食品添加剂、33种农药、56种兽药以及近1000种食品接触材料用添加剂迁移物缺少标准检测方法,存在潜在风险,亟需研究控制。Abstract: The control point of food production and processing potential risk and detection method were summarized by comparative analysis the food potential risks control standards, and the results showed there were 27 kinds of food additives, 33 kinds of pesticides, 56 kinds of veterinary drugs and nearly a thousand kinds of food contact materials additives migrated lack of standard test method.