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苏伟, 王瑜, 易重任, 陈旭, 母应春. 预煮工艺对黄焖三穗鸭肉质的影响[J]. 食品工业科技, 2013, (22): 204-208. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.22.069
引用本文: 苏伟, 王瑜, 易重任, 陈旭, 母应春. 预煮工艺对黄焖三穗鸭肉质的影响[J]. 食品工业科技, 2013, (22): 204-208. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.22.069
SU Wei, WANG Yu, YI Zhong-ren, CHEN Xu, MU Ying-chun. Effects of pre-cooking on braised Sansui duck quality[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2013, (22): 204-208. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.22.069
Citation: SU Wei, WANG Yu, YI Zhong-ren, CHEN Xu, MU Ying-chun. Effects of pre-cooking on braised Sansui duck quality[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2013, (22): 204-208. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.22.069


Effects of pre-cooking on braised Sansui duck quality

  • 摘要: 为研究预煮工艺对黄焖三穗鸭肉品质的影响,对三穗鸭肉进行预煮炒制和非预煮炒制对比分析,研究预煮对黄焖三穗鸭肉的色泽、质构和微观结构影响情况。结果表明,预煮对炒制胸肉L*值变化影响不显著,但对腿肉影响显著(p<0.01),且随炒制时间的延长,腿肉L*值显著下降;预煮对炒制胸肉a*值变化影响显著(p<0.01),预煮组a*值较对照组低,腿肉预煮组a*值随炒制时间的延长显著(p<0.01)升高;预煮对炒制胸肉和腿肉b*值变化影响均显著(p<0.01),且b*值都随着炒制时间增加呈下降趋势;预煮后鸭肉的硬度相对于对照组有所降低,而弹性、恢复性和咀嚼性略有增加;从电镜扫描可以看出,预煮组表面脂肪球结构较少,肌肉纤维间形成了致密的结构网。预煮能够一定程度上改善了鸭肉产品品质,大大缩短后序的炒制时间。 


    Abstract: In order to study effects of pre-cooking on braised Sansui duck quality, pre-cooking and non-precooking frying were analysed comparatively and study effects of pre-cooking on meat color, quality and structure and microstructure of braised Sansui duck meat color, quality and structure and microstructure.Results showed that:precooking had non-significance on L* of brisket, but had obvious significance on L* of leg meat (p<0.01) , and the longer frying time, the more significant reduction of L*;precooking had significant effects on a* (p<0.01) , a* in precooking group was lower than a* in control group, and a* went up markedly with a long time frying;pre-cooking had significant effects on b* of brisket and leg (p<0.01) , and b* went down with time increasing;the duck meat hardness reduced compared to the control after pre-cooking, but the flexibility, resiliency and chewiness were higher;as could be seen from the scanning electron microscope, the surface fat globules structure in precooked group were less, and muscle fibers formed a dense structure between the network. To a certain extent, pre-cooking could improve product quality, and shorten the frying time markedly.


