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薛志强, 李亚莉, 傅静, 黑利生, 周红杰. 应用红曲霉发酵剂生产洛伐他汀普洱茶初探[J]. 食品工业科技, 2013, (20): 190-193. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.20.059
引用本文: 薛志强, 李亚莉, 傅静, 黑利生, 周红杰. 应用红曲霉发酵剂生产洛伐他汀普洱茶初探[J]. 食品工业科技, 2013, (20): 190-193. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.20.059
XUE Zhi-qiang, LI Ya-li, FU Jing, HEI Li-sheng, ZHOU Hong-jie. Study on application of Monascus purpureus went starter cultures producing Pu-erh tea containing lovastatin[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2013, (20): 190-193. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.20.059
Citation: XUE Zhi-qiang, LI Ya-li, FU Jing, HEI Li-sheng, ZHOU Hong-jie. Study on application of Monascus purpureus went starter cultures producing Pu-erh tea containing lovastatin[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2013, (20): 190-193. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.20.059


Study on application of Monascus purpureus went starter cultures producing Pu-erh tea containing lovastatin

  • 摘要: 应用红曲霉菌株M13(Monascus purpureus Went)制成三种不同形式的发酵剂,接种于经灭菌处理的普洱晒青毛茶进行发酵实验,对发酵茶样的洛伐他汀含量进行测定。结果表明,初始和三翻都接种固体发酵剂的出堆茶样中积累的洛伐他汀含量最高,达到了0.291mg/g。感官审评结果表明:红曲霉发酵剂发酵的普洱茶具有米曲香的特点。应用红曲菌株制成的发酵剂可以发酵出含有洛伐他汀的普洱茶,这为洛伐他汀普洱茶的研发奠定了基础。 


    Abstract: Monascus strains M13 (Monascus purpureus Went) was applied to make three different forms of starter cultures, inoculated to sterilized Pu-erh raw tea, the lovastatin content of fermented tea samples were determined. The results showed that the tea samples of the initial and the third turn both vaccinated with solid starter culture had the highest content of lovastatin, reached about 0.291mg/g. Sensory evaluation results showed that the tea samples had a significant characteristic of rice flavor. The tea samples applied starter cultures of Monascus strains containing lovastatin, laid the foundation for the development of lovastatin Pu erh tea.


