In order to get the Seabuckthorn wine of low residual caramel amount, high alcohol volume fraction, aroma mellow, the initial caramel, caramel inoculating amount, fed-batch fermentation time as the factors, the fed-batch fermentation process conditions of Seabuckthorn wine was optimized using response surface methodology.The results indicated when initial caramel, caramel inoculating amount, fed-batch fermentation time were 11.8%, 35mL, 3d+4d+5d, respectively, alcohol concentration in obtained Seabuckthorn wine was 11.7833%.Remaining the same caramel amount, the alcohol concentration in Seabuckthorn wine of none Fed-batch fermentation only reached 11.0%.By GC-MS analysis, the Seabuckthorn wine was detected with 22 kinds of aroma variations which matching degree was more than 80 through the Fed-batch fermentation process, and among these the greater amount of substance contained nine kinds of ester, two kinds of alcohol, two kinds of acids, two kinds of alkane, two kinds of aromatic compound.It was detected with 15 kinds of aroma variations through none Fed-batch fermentation process, and the greater amount of substance contained seven kinds of ester, two kinds of alcohol, two kinds of acids and one kind of alkane.